
So hard to forget!

"It's been quite a while since my surgery. I still can't walk for more than a few steps without wincing in pain every time I try." She responded.

He nodded slowly, biting down on his bottom lip.

"Do you want some food?" He asked worriedly.

She blinked at him confusedly.

"Umm, yeah." She replied hesitantly.

He smiled widely at her and got up from the couch, standing up straight.

"Alright. I'll be back with something to eat." He chuckled.

He leaned down and pressed one final soft kiss against her temple before exiting her bedroom.

After he left, she let out a heavy sigh and rested her back against the couch. She looked around her and realized that her room was similar to his room. It had the same color scheme.

The bed sheets were white and her curtains were black. She frowned slightly when she thought back to when the accident happened.

It seemed to happen so fast then. It felt like just yesterday that she had woken up to find out that she was pregnant with her child. And now here the
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