
A comeback instead of a debut

"That's sudden".

Her dad said as he handed his suit jacket to the househelp and also gave her his suitcase.

"Why do you want to become a model all of a sudden darling"?

He asked and went ahead to take a seat.

"Come on Daddy, you know I've never really been into the family business and I'm perfect for the entertainment industry".

She said as she also went ahead to sit next to him.

"Are you sure this is what you want"?

He asked and she nodded.

"It shouldn't be too difficult, as you know, I already shot several commercials when I was younger. We'll just make this a comeback instead of a debut".

She said and her dad finally nodded.

"If that's what my princess wants, I'll get to it".

He said and began walking upstairs.

"Thank you, Daddy!!"

She said with a smile as he went upstairs.

When he had left, the smile vanished from her face as all she was left with was a face filled with schemes.

"You are going into the entertainment industry"?

Her mom asked while they were having dinner.

"Darling, that's what she wants, why do you still question her about it"?

Her dad asked but her mom was against it for unknown reasons.

"You indulge her too much. Stop spoiling her sweetheart. She needs to grow fast. You know she is the only heir you have".

Her mom said and now, Sasha could see why her mom was against it. Of course, she wants her to get her dad's company as soon as possible.

"Don't worry Mom, just because I'm going into the entertainment industry doesn't mean I'll relent when it comes to the company. Just give me a few years to myself".

She said with a baby face and her mom had no choice but to give in.


Her mom finally agreed.


She said happily and looked at her dad.

"Ahh Daddy"?

She called, making him look away from his food.

"I don't want to go into just fashion, I'll go into the entertainment industry completely".

Both her parents looked at her.

"You are really serious about this".

Her dad said.

"Why are you so eager to go into the industry? And better still, why now"?

Her mom asked as she still could not understand her daughter.

"Come on Mom, come on Dad, this is something I really want to do. When it comes to something I really want to do, I'll give it my all".

She said with an evil smile on her face but of course, her father was oblivious to this. Only her mother could tell that she had an ulterior motive.

"Alright then, I'll talk to the CEO of Stardust. I'm sure they'll be happy to take you in".

He said and Sasha opened her eyes wide.

"Really daddy"?

She asked and he nodded with a smile. Sasha stood up and went over to hug her father.

"Thank you, Daddy, thank you! thank you!"

She said happily, making her father laugh as well.

It was already over a week when Ayla suddenly got an email, saying that filming starts tomorrow. She had been waiting for the mail for so long and deep down she was hoping she'd do a good job.

She has never acted before but ever since she got the script, she has been trying to become one with her character.

She could actually relate to the character. Her character was a gentle innocent lady who was betrayed by her lover and left alone for years. She ended up becoming the villain but Ayla could relate to her pain perfectly.

It was finally the first day for filming and also the day when the female lead would be revealed.

Ayla didn't have any part to play today but she was asked to come and get acquainted with the rest of the crew members.

While she was still greeting everyone, she noticed a commotion and decided to go outside to see what was happening.

Fredrick, her manager was with her.

A black van was packed outside and even though it was already opened, no one could see who was inside.

"Haa! Showoff, I heard she isn't even very popular and has only done a few commercials so far. I wonder why she has to make so much noise for a simple arrival".

Fredrick said and now, Ayla wanted to see who it was even more. With her hands crossed, she was waiting to see who it was but as soon as she did, her hands immediately dropped down.

She could not believe her eyes.


She said almost to herself but Fredrick heard her.

"You... do you know her"?

He asked and Ayla simply looked at him before looking back at Sasha.

"She's the female lead"?

She asked and Fredrick nodded with a 'mnn'.

"Haa!! You've got to be kidding me".

She said as she saw Sasha smiling and saying hi to everyone. She was slowly approaching her but she just stayed still.

"Hello, second female lead".

Sasha said when she finally got close to her.

Ayla said nothing and just kept looking at Sasha but Sasha simply smiled.

"I hope we get along".

Sasha said and began walking away.

A few days back, Sasha got information that Ayla had gotten the second female lead role in one of Faith Li's movies. She could not stand the fact that she got such an amazing position so she asked her father to invest in the movie.

He became one of the largest investors so even Faith Li had no choice but to accept his one condition and since she was already signed into Stardust, there was really nothing she could do.

"I see you both have met each other".

Faith Li said and Sasha nodded with a smile.

"Alright, let's begin".

Faith was worried as she had not worked with so many rookie actresses at the same time but she couldn't send Sasha away and she really liked Ayla so she decided to give it a try.

To Faith Li's surprise, Sasha was so good, she was extremely surprised but happy.

The shooting was finally over for the day and it was time to go home.

"Miss Sasha"?

Ayla heard Faith Li call Sasha.

"I hope to keep seeing you in your best".

Faith Li said and Sasha smiled.

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