
Chapter One

July 16, 2021; 4th State of the Nations Address

As a nineteen-year-old virgin, playing with myself has been my daily routine. Regardless if I am horny or just bored, the feeling of pleasing myself is satisfying.

 This is my own definition of self-love and self-pleasure.

I picked up my phone, opened my Twitter app and went straight to the alters. I prefer watching adult videos on Twitter rather than the actual website itself, you can jump from one category to the other. They have been a great help to find a video that best fits my mood.

I am almost finished, not until someone knocks on my door.

"Laurent, you have fifteen minutes to prepare. Dad's waiting for you." Sebastian said. I did not mind responding and just proceed to what I am doing. 

I could see his shadows on the front door, waiting for me to respond. I just smirked, rolled my eyes and looked at the video I am watching.

"Laurent." He spoke in a very monotonous voice. 

From the tone of his voice, I could tell that he is starting to get infuriated with the fact that I am not saying anything at all.  I started wanking fast and let everything burst on my bedsheet.  

It was thick. That was one week of load. 

It's time for another clean sheet. 

"Yeah. I am almost done." I had to lie. I got off the bed with my manhood touching both of my legs. 

I heard his footsteps walking away from my room.  I don't know but I could hear his loud sighs in a distance. The sigh of annoyance and anger. 

Sebastian is my half-brother but we don't act like one. To be honest, I barely know him. I've been living in the house for three years but I never had the chance to talk to him, to get to know him. We have a three-year age gap; he is twenty-three while I am nineteen, I don't know if that's the reason why.

I even have no clue if he knows I am gay. 

My father is the president of this country, the Philippines. He was elected last May 2012 with a five million votes difference from his female competitor, Jacinta Tiangco, who is now living her best life in Japan. We were already expecting him to win that year since he got the hearts of millions of Filipinos because of his countless advocacies that are mainly focused on the environment and economy.

Today, he will have his 4th SONA or State of the Nation Address, a constitutional obligation and yearly tradition on my exact birthday. The plot twist is – my father did not officially announce to the entire country that I am his son. I was introduced as his sister's son, Ezmeralda Blanco, because he was too afraid to ruin his image.

I grew up with my mother when I was still young in Valencia – a city in Spain where we lived in a subdivision with some locals and Filipino friends.  I am fluent in Spanish but not that much in Tagalog. I learned some Tagalog phrases from my Filipino neighbours in Valencia, such as tang ina mo and ang baho ng pekpek mo which I don't have a single idea what those mean.

It was a great life not until my mother died in a car accident in Barcelona while working. I was at my lowest that time. I had no idea how cruel life can be. Mentally, I was lifeless, but some Spanish friends and Filipino neighbours tried their best to help me out financially and emotionally with my mother's passing.

My mother had been very open to me when it comes to many things, especially about what happened to them between her and my biological father. When my father heard about what happened, he immediately went to Valencia to help me pack my things up and decided to let me live with them here in the Philippines. 

He already set my expectation that he can't formally introduce me as his son because it might drag down his excellent reputation as the president of the Philippines. 

Disappointment has been my first impression of him ever since – from his love affair with my mother to the acknowledgment I deserve as his son. I really don't expect much from him.

As soon as I am almost done preparing, a familiar footstep started walking towards my room. I immediately put on my tuxedo to complete my final outfit. I took a mirror shot on my I*******m stories with a caption, feliz cumpleaño, direct Spanish translation of "Happy birthday."

The door opened as I finished posting the picture I just took. I can see Sebastian opening my room door with keys jingling on his right hand. He said nothing, but he just stared at me straight into my eyes. I just smiled to annoy him more.

"I'm almost done," I explained while trying to keep my composure – still, he said nothing. He heaved a sigh as I tried to grab the things I needed.  He crossed his arms and balled his fist like he is ready to knock my face off anytime. I secretly smiled.

His silence is terrifying but, at the same time, fulfilling. I don't know, but I love seeing him angry and irritated – I don't know if that makes sense.

His glaring eyes were following me as I walked straight outside my room carrying my stuff. While walking fast away from him, my phone chimed and buzzed. I instantly get it out of my pocket and unlocked it. I received a text message from an unknown number.

I used to ignore text messages from an unknown number, but I opened this text message as fast as I could without any hesitation.

"You know what's funny? I know your secret but you don't know mine."

I immediately stopped walking, peered intently at my phone. A look of puzzlement and surprise crossed my face.

What the hell is this person talking about?

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