
Chapter 96

Our personalities were opposites - I was ying, and he was yang. But together, we complemented each other perfectly, and that was all that mattered. Jasper , my current partner, was the complete antithesis of the player I had initially encountered at the park. He was kind, considerate, and utterly devoted.

Interrupting my thoughts, Kenny jolted me back to reality, "What are you smiling about?" I blushed and looked up, "Nothing."

Jane chimed in, "Let me guess, have you guys gotten to third base?"

"Jane! No, we haven't," I replied.

"Seriously?" Kenny asked incredulously.

"Yes," I confirmed.

"Why not?" he pressed.

"I wanted to wait," I explained.

"Ha! You were born in the wrong century, Sandy. You should've been born in Victorian times!" Kenny teased.

"Very funny, Kenny," I replied dryly, giving Jane a disapproving look.

Eventually, we arrived at a jeweler's shop, and Jane volunteered to stay in the car while Kenny and I went inside. As soon as we entered, the sales team swarmed around us
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