

But Nim's focus was drawn to her own accelerated heart rate. She’d forgotten how good it felt to soar through endless skies. To feel wind beneath her feathers and a breeze both lifting her and pressing her down. Clouds seemed close enough to taste. There was a sort of peace in the humming air parting to make way for her.

Above the castle wall they saw no movement. Nothing skittered through the bailey.

No guards marked the towers. No warning cry echoed at their descent. Disseus didn't like it.

Something is wrong. They should be scurrying around trying to see what's preparing to land in their fortress. It made his gut sink.

He knows we're coming. He knows we're bringing her to him.

Nierwae was clearly willing to let them walk right in with his prize.


The abandoned silence leant an eerie feel to the vine covered stone walls. Making it seem like everything was dead here. Every beat of h

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