
The Demon Who Loved Her

The whole time they’d stood in the Great Hall they’d been completely surrounded by silent Firoque.

Firoque which were now shrieking as they alerted each other of a threat.

Alarms went off in Nealinim’s head. There were far too many Cimmerii in this room to take on.

With Nierwae’s focus on Disseus, Nim mouthed to Styx. “Are you bound down by magic?”

Eyes wide he lowered his head in assent.

Nim winced.

Nierwae was powerful and she had limited time to break the spell. While her mind raced, the Demon King’s next words drew her attention.

“You’re no regular Harbinger though. Are you Boy? If you were...I could read you.”

Nim’s eyes moved to Disseus. Wondering what he was talking about.

A muscle in Disseus’ jaw ticked rhythmically. His level gaze was ice cool. “I’m the result of a Harbinger and a First Water Guardian.”

“A Dark Harbinger.” Nierwae murmured in fascination.

“What?” Nim froze in shock. How

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