
Halloween Special Chapter 1 - Darius

I have a new appreciation for teachers. Because damn the level of patience it takes to deal with ninth graders. Though I think I have it worse than them. A prime example of why teaching is worse for me has just surrounded my desk. 

I internalized a heavy sigh, hoping this headache would just disappear. I don’t just mean my actual headache. No, the headache I want to disappear is the five girls giggling lined up along the front of my desk. “Hi, Mr. Frost,” one tittered. I stopped myself from rolling my eyes before looking up for the quizzes I was grading.

“Can I help you, ladies? Did you not understand the assignment?” I questioned, glancing between the girls’ faces. Standing almost in a pattern so the shortest yet the ring leader of their quintet was in the middle. Miranda was around my wife’s height, but that’s the only thing they have in common. 

Miranda reminded me of Jane in all the worst ways. Same blonde hair and attitude that you expect of a queen bee. Miranda was the queen bee of ninth grade. She’s barely fifteen and constantly pushes the dress code. 

I’m pretty sure I’m the only male teacher who’s actually given her detention and reported her to the principal for the violations. I don’t know the other male staff’s reasons. I’m going to treat every student the same. A boy violates a school policy, including dress code, I speak up.

“Well, a little,” Miranda batted her fake eyelashes at me, thinking those blue eyes would do a damn thing for me. “Could go over it with us… or just me before the dance,” she licked her lips. I’m guessing she’s trying to be sexy, but it’s just coming off as desperate and super creepy.

“Girls, I made this very clear at the start of the school year. I have set office hours where I am willing to help struggling students one hour after school is dismissed on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is Friday, I do not have office hours. If you want, there is a signup…” I gestured to a tablet next to the whiteboard. 

“Form on the tablet to schedule a time during my office hours. The schedule is limited to fifteen-minute intervals and usually fills up quickly,” I explained.

The girls pouted, looking to Miranda for guidance. “Oh well, we’ll do that. But we will see you tonight. You’re chaperoning the Halloween dance, right?” Miranda smiled like her plans hadn’t changed, just deviated. 

“No. I am not chaperoning the dance,” I shook my head and sighed in gratitude at the chime of my phone. “Excuse me,” I held a finger up as I took out my phone.

Elijah: Dude, get home! Did Donny finish the baby Yoda pod? Cause if not, you’re carrying Ryū.

Darius: I just need to get some students out of my class, then get it. Don said he had it ready. Don’t worry. I wouldn’t let our sour puss down.

Riko: Can you also stop by the store? We need more diapers and wipes.

Darius: You got it, sweetheart. Can’t wait to see you in your Padme costume. ;)

Riko: Thank you. I love you.

Darius: I know.

Forrest: *eye roll emoji*

Elijah: *cheese emoji*

Darius: *middle finger emoji*

Riko: Boys, behave. Just hurry home, Darius. The kids are anxious to go trick or treating.

Darius: I’ll be home soon. Love you and the kids.

I could hear the girls getting huffy that I was ignoring them. I sighed, putting my phone away. “Sorry about that. Wife texting. We need more diapers for our newborn, and otherwise, I need to hurry home so we can take all four kids trick or treating,” I smiled.

It was a genuine smile because Riko and the kids are my everything. I could talk about them for hours. “W...wife?” Jennifer gulped. “Baby?” Kelsey blinked. “Four?” Liberty questioned. 

“Yes. We’re celebrating our fifth anniversary next month,” I sighed softly, touching my white gold wedding band. “And you already have four kids?” Connie blinked. 

“What can I say? My wife is hot,” I chuckled, smiling. I took my phone out and turned it to them. My wallpaper was a picture of Riko and the kids at the hospital after Ryū was born. Riko doesn’t like the photo, but I think she looks fucking gorgeous. 

It was the day after Ryū was born, so she’d at least gotten a chance to clean up but was still in a hospital gown and looked a little tired. Despite how tired she was, her smile was so bright and genuine.

She held Ryū in her arms, swaddled in a soft green baby blanket with his name stitched into the edge and a knit cap that matched on his head. He was so adorable with his grumpy face wanting to just sleep. Hikari was standing to Riko’s left, smiling this big grin that reminds me so much of Elijah it’s not funny, sporting a blue tee that said ‘Big Brother’ in black on the chest.

Saki stood on Riko’s right, a devious glint to her eyes, wearing a purple tee that said ‘Big Sis 1’. And sitting at Riko’s feet was Aiko with that same devious glint in her eyes wearing the same purple tee, but instead, it said ‘Big Sis 2’. We realized later the girls had messed with Forrest’s phone, and he had to take it to the store to get it fixed. 

“Oh wow. Um, you have a lovely family,” Liberty commented. “Thanks. They are my world. Now, if you girls don’t have any pressing issues, I need to go,” I said, getting up, pocketing my phone. Miranda looked like she’d just had the wind knocked out of her.

I sighed as I gathered my things into my messenger bag. “Look, girls, it’s well, I would say flattering, but honestly, it isn’t. I get it. I’m the youngest male teacher on staff and having crushes on teachers is relatively normal. But you need to understand that even if I was single, nothing would happen. I’m sure each of you is a great girl, but you’re kids. So maybe try less to get my attention and focus more on boys your age, or try one of your upperclassmen. And only sign up for extra help if you really need it. Don’t waste your time or mine,” I explained. 

They were frowning, looking like I kicked their puppy. I don’t care. This crush needed to be nipped in the bud now. I want nothing to do with anyone that’s not Riko, and they should understand that. 

I’ve already had this conversation with a couple of women who saw me as fresh meat. Maybe if I was Elijah, I’d have been more kind in my delivery, but for me, that was letting them down gently.

“Have a good weekend, girls. Enjoy the dance,” I waved, leaving the classroom. I hurried to shop class and sighed in relief as I saw Don, the middle-aged, balding shop teacher, was still there. “Hey, Don. Sorry, I’m late,” I greeted. “No worries. I’m guessing your fan club held you up,” he teased. I rolled my eyes.

“Unfortunately. But I let the girls down. Made sure they know I’m married with kids, and nothing is changing that. Which speaking of kids. Did you finish that Yoda pod from the old pram I brought?” I asked. 

“Poor guy. The curse of being handsome. Almost makes me glad I never was,” Don chuckled. “Got it right here. And I want to see pictures of Ryū in it wearing his costume,” he said, pushing the stroller out. 

He’d used the base frame but changed the pram shape to recreate the baby Yoda pod. “Dude! That is amazing! Ryū is too little to know how remarkable his first Halloween is, but his brother and sisters will be totally jealous. Forrest is going to get such a kick out of this thing. He’s a total Star Wars nerd, and why we are going with that as this year’s theme,” I sighed, running my hand over the pod.

It was perfect. Even the inside was perfect and looked very comfy. Ryū was probably going to spend the whole time snoozing away in this. “Not sure why you let your brother pick your family’s costume theme,” Don shook his head. 

No one really knew that my brothers and I share a wife. Never really knew how to approach the subject. Also didn’t feel super comfortable explaining. 

“Don, we’re friends, right?” I asked. “I want to think so. I mean, you’re one of the few staff members I talk to. And the only one I’d do a favor like this for,” he said, pointing to the pod. 

“Then, if I tell you something, you will keep it to yourself. Right?” I asked, folding my arms. “Yeah, sure. I’m no snitch or gossip. Don’t tell me something happened with one of those girls,” he wrinkled his nose.

“Oh god, no. Nothing like that. It’s just. I’m polyamorous. And no, that doesn’t mean I’m into dudes. Enough of my cousins asked that when we told our family about the relationship,” I sighed. “Okay, so then I’m confused. What’s that mean?” Don frowned. 

“My brothers and I are all with Riko. We have been since high school. Elijah is legally married to her, but Forrest and I married her in a vow exchange. So it’s not a matter of Forrest having a say in what my family does for a theme. It’s his family too,” I explained.

Don blinked and leaned against a work table to stay up. “Wow. Um. So you and your brothers share… Riko? And the kids?” his brow furrowed. “We are identical triplets. There’s no way to know paternity. And none of us care,” I shrugged. 

I wasn’t sure how he’d take it. Some people are cool about it, like our family and a select few friends from high school. But others freak out. 

“Um, okay. Well, I guess whatever works for you all,” Don shrugged. “Thanks. We obviously don’t go around broadcasting it,” I nodded. “Got it. Well, go enjoy trick or treating with your family,” he rolled the stroller into my legs.

I chuckled. “Thanks again, man. I owe you. You ever need something from me, we’ll help,” I smiled, leaving with a wave.


There will be four chapters to this Halloween Special. I hope you enjoy this peek into Riko, Darius, Elijah, and Forrest's family life.

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Marena John Lambrou
Wow! I’m still amazed at a single woman with 3 men. It has never crossed my mind!
goodnovel comment avatar
Thank you so much for the hint, i was dying with curiosity about the kids paternity now its obvious that the first born is Elijah the twins are Forrest and last one is Darius , that's so exciting.

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