
Chapter 19 – Intruder’s ship

They exited the cupboard slowly, allowing their eyes to adjust to the light again. They headed back down the corridor they had just come from. They passed the man Mia had taken out with a kick and elbow, her gun was on the ground near him. She must have dropped it in the attack. He was still alive but wouldn’t be coming around anytime soon. She had got him good. Jay kicked the weapons from him, “did you want your gun, or will you use mine.”

Mia thought “yours” Jay nodded and they continued.

They stopped at the next man, or the lead man. He had been shot straight between the eyes. Jay removed his vest. “Take your vest off. This will offer you more protection, not to mention more weapons.” Mia did it quickly. “Crack shot” he said to her. She was trying not to look at the man, she blushed. He helped her tighten the straps so it wasn’t too loose on her. “Ok?” he asked

“Ok” she replied.

He turned and feeling her hand on his vest, they continued to the entrance. Jay checked outside, nothing. They went to the closest transit pod, and it opened automatically. Jay’s guess had paid off. He figured that the lead man’s vest had the remote sensor to activate the pod.

They both climbed in and sat in the drivers’ seats. Jay, after a quick look around switched on the comms that the intruders were using. They listened. It sounded like three of them were pinned down in the store room and the decoy party had just come under fire.

Jay could tell from their language that they weren’t x-military. Then he got the information he was waiting for. “A Team come in, Joe, trev, come in” Jay motioned for Mia to be quiet, the clicked the line open he put his hand over the receiver to muffle it and disguised his voice as being out of breath. We Got her, we got her, confirmed kill, A team heading back to ship, get us out of here.” He then clicked the line shut. He waited 5 seconds then started the engine and took off towards the ship. He approached from behind hoping they wouldn’t be spotted. A light on the dash lit up, Auto dock. He hit it and released the controls.

He turned to Mia who was watching every move he made. “I really have no plan but to find the cockpit eliminate the pilot and take control of the ship. Did you want to stay here? You should be safe.”

“No” she said shaking her head, ‘I’m coming with you”

“Ok” he said “Stay close” she nodded

They unbuckled as the docking clamps engaged.

“You have a device on your vest that should open all the doors.”

“How did you know?” She asked

He shook his head “Lucky guess” Jay replied he stood up. He dug in one of his vest pockets and pulled out a black thick ring. He held it to his stud earing until it beeped. Mia was watching him confused. “This is my spare, can I have your hand, she brought up her left hand because her right still had his gun. He put it on her ring finger and re-sized it to fit. She let out a small gasp and he realised that it was her ring finger, where one day there would be where an engagement ring. Oh well, no time to change it or explain. He then put his hand on her cheek and turned her head gently to place the ear piece in her ear.

He spoke, “Mia”

“All clear she replied”

“It will have three open lines on it. The first is to me, the you tap the ring here and here,” Jay indicated two notched on either end of the ring. “Then it will have the open line everyone is on and if you click it a third time to will just be to Ryder the Pilot of our ship. Ok?”

“Ok” Mia answered

 “Alight, let’s do this” and he headed towards the door, but it only opened when Mia joined him. He quickly scanned the room. There should only be a pilot on board. He exited and headed towards to front of the ship. He probably should have pulled up the ships layout. They came to a closed-door Jay using his free hand to flattened Mia to the wall behind him while inching closer until the vest Mia was wearing activated the door. Nothing on the other side. But they could now hear the Intruders chatter coming over the ships intercom. The corridor swept to the left where there were double doors that opened into the cockpit. The corridor continued on in the other direction to the other side of the ship. He maneuverer Mia so she was beside him but still shielded by his body, he needed her close enough to open the door for him but not too close to the action. He placed her beside the door and they started to open, he stepped out gun raised to take out the pilot but he wasn’t there, the cockpit was empty. He swore and grabbed Mia bringing them both through the doors as a burst of fire erupted from the continuing corridor. The doors closed and he hit the big red button beside the door locking the cockpit down. They were safe for the time being. But they now had a Pilot on the ship that knew the system. He found Mia on the ground where she had stumbled from him shoving her in. “Are you ok” he said running his eyes over her.

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