
Chapter 34

Chapter 34

I held my hand up to silence my brothers as they contested my actions, begging me not to do this. I had already made up my mind. Nothing they could say would stop me now. It was done.

“We accept your condition, master!” The Shadows hissed. And before any of them could say another word, The Shadows engulfed them. I watched as Raphael fell to his hands and knees, Ramses to his knees next, and Rowen remained standing, as the memories were stripped away one by one.

Then as suddenly as quickly it started, it was over for them, and they were all unconscious lying on the floor. The memories Haven took away must have just been hidden within their minds, not actually gone or The Shadows wouldn't have had to infiltrate their minds. I thought.

I was torn from my thoughts when the Shadows then engulfed me, forcing my brother's memories deep into my mind.

Raphael’s were first. His memories flooded into my mind like a tidal wave. Memories of his Human life. I noticed how much different he
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