
chapter eighty three


We soon left the mall after getting enough to our satisfaction. I checked the time. We had successfully spent an extra hour at the mall. I was going to take what Doris said about giving Edward the benefit of doubt and wait till he was able to sort out his feelings. The worse that could happen was him realizing he did not love me.

The ride home from the mall was the most enjoyable. I felt lighter too sharing things with my friends and encountering Edward really put things in perspective for me.

We soon got home, returned dad’s platinum card to him.

“You all really seemed like you enjoyed the little hang out.” He remarked as Doris and Franca kept smiling sheepishly.

“Of course sir, the breathe of fresh air was perfectly what Celia needed and us.” Franca said.

“It is too late, why not spend the night here?” My mum suggested. “You can get the chef to serve you dinner. That is if you had not eaten already. We will contact your parents on your behalf and
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