
chapter ninety nine


He walked towards the front door then I also returned to my seat. He knocked as he got to the door.

“Come in, it is open.” I said loud enough for him to hear.

“Hey Edward man.” He said as he stretched his hand for handshake. I stood up to give him a side hug and handshake.

“Hey Tony.” After the pleasantries, we both sat on the sofa I was seated earlier. I adjusted to the edge to get him to sit comfortably.

“Sorry, I was already in your street when your call came in. That is the reason I did not puck your call.” He apologized.

“Yes, I figured too. I was wondering what took you so long considering that I had invited you over since over an hour ago.” I said.

“I was with someone when you called at first. I had to settle the person before I could leave so that was what took my time. And wait, before we go into the reason you brought me here. I am famished. Did your domestic help prepare anything?” He asked as he rubbed on his stomach to buttress his poin
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