
Chapter 52

The principal spoke first, “Are you going to deny your guilt, Linda? Again?”

Even beneath her makeup Linda had gone ghastly pale. With nowhere left to run she could only sob and beg for mercy.

“They insulted me first. I was so angry so I wasn't thinking…

“You were the one who started it,” Ivy interjected a little too hastily. “Why would we insult you for no reason?”

Wordlessly Linda continued to let her tears flow. It was the man she needed to convince – as long as they didn't pursue the matter nothing would happen to her.

Unfortunately, she was dealing with Ethan Harrington.

“Earlier, she said that she should be compensated for being attacked”, Ethan said calmly. “In that case, she should compensate them for landing the first blow. How much do you think is appropriate?”

Professor Amos leapt on his words.

“That's right. She should compensate them. A hundred dollars should do it, as long as she apologizes too.

“That's too much,” Linda spat.

“Fine. Then I guess you just be expelled”, Ivy
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