
FOUR: Meeting The Clermonts

    Juniper stood in front of the looming massive metal gate as the morning sun cast its golden rays on the sprawling entrance of the Bellerose Estate. It seemed a world away from the life she knew and had, yet here she stood, ready to take the first step into the heart of the Bellerose family.

    Today was the day she had to lay everything out on the table. The day she was going to reveal the truth, a revelation that would ripple through her life and the lives of the Bellerose family, leaving no stone unturned. 

    She'd waited for a month. A month was quite enough time for them to mourn and. . . enough for her not to lose her mind from the weight of thinking about the child growing rapidly in her womb.

    The clock was ticking. It was barely five months remaining before the little Bellerose would be born. The earlier she got this settled, the earlier she could move on with her life.

    Whatever decision they decided to take over this issue would determine the future of their grandchild. 

    She was not evil, far from it. Even if they refused to grant what was left of her payment and chose to raise the child themselves, she would not hold it against them. However, should they refuse to accept the child. . . she would be forced to make the difficult decision of terminating the pregnancy.

    As much as she hated the idea of getting rid of the child that her sister had wanted so desperately, she couldn't bring a child into a life of hardship with her. Having tasted the bitterness of it for the best part of her life, she didn't want anyone to go through that. Especially, not a child she birthed.

    That was why she was going to do everything to convince the Bellerose family to welcome the child into their fold.

    She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she came prepared. 

    With a deliberate breath that seemed to soothe her resolve, Juniper strode to the imposing gate with purpose, her shoulder-length chestnut waves rippling in the wind. She paused to gather her nerves, and then she pressed the buzzer.

    Almost instantaneously, a male voice—that of the security no doubt—echoed through the intercom. "Who may you be, Ma'am?"

    Juniper cleared her throat and responded in a clear and steady voice despite the slamming of her heart.. "Oh, I’m Juniper Laurent."

    The voice on the other end remained firm, yet respectful in tone, as he returned, "Please, kindly state the nature of your business, ma'am."

     "I'm here to deliver urgent information to the Bellerose family," she announced straight to the point. "It has something to do with Vivienne. Um. . . I'm Vivienne's half-sister, Juniper Laurent."

    The statement hung in the air with the weight of its implication as a momentary silence descended. All the while, Juniper's heart slammed violently against her chest, threatening to pop out of her body. 

    Finally, the voice returned, its tone laced with a cautious intrigue. "Could you please hold on for a moment, ma'am?  I'll be right with you shortly."

    "Of course, thank you."

    After what seemed like a grueling eternity of Juniper resisting the urge to pace and agitate, a low, mechanical groan echoed from the hinges as the twin electronic gates opened.

     She was quite stunned when she walked into the grandeur of the estate and found a sweet cart—luxurious in its design—waiting with a driver to transport her to the mansion.

   As the cart glided along the winding driveway, Juniper couldn't help but take in the scenery that unfolded like a masterpiece of luxury right in front of her.  

    Majestic oak trees, which looked like they'd been existing for ages, stood guard with their trunks clothed with ivy and moss and their canopies a rich green umbrella high above. 

    Perfectly trimmed hedges bordered the drive and were punctuated by bursts of colorful flowers—velvety red roses, sunshine-yellow daffodils, and delicate pink petunias.

    The flawless lawns were dotted with sculptures of mythical creatures, crafted from gleaming white marble that emitted an aura of ethereal beauty.

    As the drive curved and twisted, the landscape shifted to reveal a tranquil lake that reflected the blue sky above and completed with a graceful fountain that danced and shimmered in the sunlight. 

      Finally, the grand mansion came into view and its imposing façade was nothing but evidence of the grandeur of the house within.

    When she got to the mansion, a middle-aged woman who introduced herself as the housekeeper led her to the living room to wait for the family. 

    In the living room, Juniper's gaze surveyed every corner of the space in awe, taking in the dazzling decor.

     She had to admit that the rumors she'd heard of the Bellerose Mansion did SO not do justice to the place. 

    Juniper had seen her fair share of well-to-do households in her time working with the cleaning service, but nothing had quite prepared her for the sheer extravagance of the Bellerose Mansion.

    Every square inch screamed billions. 

    From the ceiling which soared to a dizzying height and was decorated with an astonishing mural that recreated the sky in vivid detail, to the show-stopping chandelier which draped down from the ceiling in an assemblage of crystals, merged to create a luminous Cupid floating in the air.

    The floor-to-ceiling glass windows stretch from one end of the room to the other, offering a good amount of natural light and a breathtaking view of the surrounding landscape. The walls were painted a rich, creamy white and striking gold which also was beautified with exquisite works of art, including oil paintings and sculptures created by world-renowned artists.

    The Bellerose mansion was the kind of house seen only in movies. Every detail of the decor must have been carefully considered to create a sense of sophistication that could not be rivaled.

    In that moment, Juniper realized that her entire apartment could have been swallowed whole by this one room, with plenty of space for a massive backyard.

    Normally, she felt a certain kind of timidity in this sort of surroundings. But what she felt now was way beyond timid. She felt like a stray dog out of its element and if not due to the fact she was desperate, she would have tuck her tail between her legs and hightailed it. 

    But things had to be taken care of.

    Minutes passed in a state of anxious anticipation, until finally, the double doors to the living room swung open, revealing two members of the prominent family of Forêt-Bleue. They were still dressed in dark, somber clothing—no doubt still grieving. 

    Now, Juniper couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt in her white form-fitting turtleneck paired with sand-color wide-legged pants. 

    Well, she had to focus on the bright side. They seemed quite welcome-y. 

    She'd been expecting the usual haughty and deigning expression the ultra-wealthy had ingrained on their faces when beholding people they deemed beneath them. But, surprisingly, their features were lit up in genuine warmth, and receiving smiles as they approached her.

    As the older man—no doubt the patriarch of the Bellerose family—closed the distance between them, Juniper wiped her perspiring palm against her pants before offering a handshake. "Good day, Mr. Bellerose," she began in a polite tone laced with a touch of nervousness. "I'm Juniper Laurent. I'm sorry for being such an inconvenience when you are still grieving."

    A soft chuckle rumbled from his throat, threads of wrinkles forming beautifully at the corners of his smart ebony eyes. "Oh, please. No one is an inconvenience to this family," he assured her, taking her hand in a firm shake. "And I should clarify—It's Clermont, not Bellerose."

    Juniper's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I beg your pardon?"

    He let out that throaty chuckle again. "I mean that I'm a Clermont, not a Bellerose. That's my late wife’s maiden name," he clarified patiently. "I'm Antoine Clermont and. . ." With a gentle motion, he beckoned to the woman who was standing rather hesitantly behind him to join them. ". . .this is my wife, Florence."

    The elegant woman, bashful but smiling, stepped forward, her eyes dancing with kindness as she took Juniper's hand for a shake. "Welcome to the Bellerose Mansion, Juniper."     

    "Thank you for having me, Mrs. Clermont."

     After the introduction was over, Antoine ushered Juniper to a seat on one of the plush sofas adorned with intricate gold threading. And soon the scent of freshly brewed tea perfumed the air as a few maids brought in cups for all.

    When they were finally settled, Antoine proceeded in a soft tone. "Miss Laurent, it's a pleasure to have you here." He paused. "Now, we received a message from security that you mentioned something about your relationship with our late daughter. Could you elaborate?”


    She dragged a deep breath down her tensed lungs. "First and foremost, I'd like to express my deepest condolences," she muttered ruefully. "I'm sorry for your loss." 

    A sad smile tugged at Antoine's lips as he responded in a slightly cracked whisper, "Thank you, Miss Laurent. It means a lot."

    Juniper’s voice trembled slightly as she delved into the heart of the matter. "And about my relationship with your late daughter. . . I only learned some months back that I had a sister when Vivienne came to me for a favor."

    There was a noticeable shift in the atmosphere as Antoine straightened in his seat, his fingers interlacing in his lap. "Hold on, are you Hector Laurent’s daughter?” he asked, his keen gaze fixed upon her.

    She nodded. "Yeah. You knew my father?"

    His hands separated, relaxing slightly as he explained, "Well, I knew little about Hector—my late wife, Vivienne's mother, didn’t speak of him often. All I knew was that he remarried after their divorce. But I was unaware he had another daughter.”

    Juniper took a slow sip of her tea, steadying her nerves. "Neither did I," she responded with a sigh. "I had no idea my father had a daughter apart from me." She took another sip. "My father wasn't the talkative type. Rarely spoke of his past or family. If Vivienne hadn't tracked me down, I might never have known I had a sister."

    Antoine's eyebrow arched in curiosity. "Was?"

    "Yeah, well, my father passed away seven years ago."

    "Oh! Please accept my condolences.”

    "Thank you."

    A melancholy silence settled between them for a moment, before Antoine continued, "So. . ." he reached for his tea cup on the polished white marble coffee table. "What is this favor Vivienne requested of you?" He asked before he took a sip.

   Not missing a beat, Juniper replied with a steady tone. “She asked me to be her surrogate. I am currently carrying Vivienne’s child.”


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