The Surrogate's Vendetta

The Surrogate's Vendetta

By:  Bethel W.C Eke  Updated just now
Language: English
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"I'll purge this household from evil! I'll unearth every single crime they've committed. And I will not stop until I drag every single one of them down to hell with me." ~~ Clearing the debts her late father left behind was all Juniper Laurent's life had revolved around until her half-sister, the true heiress of the renowned Bellerose Frangrance offered her a huge sum to be her surrogate. Desperate to escape the oppressive hounding of loan sharks and finally treating herself to a dream vacation, Juniper readily accepted the offer. But, her life took a drastic turn when the tragic death of her sister shook the nation. Juniper—burdened with a newfound responsibility to raise a child she never bargained for—decided to walk into the Bellerose family, birth their grandchild, and let them handle the rest, but fate seemed not done with her yet as her ex-boyfriend, Cedric came back into the picture. Falling in love again was never part of the plan, especially not with a man who was the epitome of bad news, but her naive heart wouldn't just cooperate. She realized only too late that every decision she'd made from the get-go was steering her down a path of destruction. From falling for the man who had returned only to betray her in the most hurtful way imaginable to trusting the seemingly perfect family that harbored dark secrets, deceit, and crimes they would murder to protect. Now, Juniper is back, forged into a woman of valor, determined to vanquish the evil that has consumed the Bellerose Empire and all those who have wronged her. And she will not stop until she brings justice to all the people they've hurt. Because sweet revenge is best served with a side of drama and a dazzling display of fireworks!

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Lexusstar writes
I love reading books with badass female leads. I'm so looking forward to this one.
2024-06-24 23:58:04
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Trust Bethel to always deliver the best
2024-06-20 01:42:06
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Can we get chapter 9 already?🥹...️...️
2024-06-20 01:41:33
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Can we get chapter 9 already?🥹...️...️
2024-06-20 01:41:24
14 Chapters
ONE: Echoes of Freedom
"CONGRATS, JUNIPER! YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR STUDENT LOAN PAYMENT! THANK YOU FOR BANKING WITH US." Juniper Laurent read the text in her mind's voice over and over again, relishing in the moment, submitting to the fluttering feeling of euphoria surging through her veins. A radiant smile stretched her rosy tinged full lips as she realized that was the last debt she had to settle. Every fiber of her being wanted to leap with joy and let out a triumphant scream, but she retrained herself with what seemed like a century's worth of self-control. Nothing could beat being debt-free. Free from being hounded by loan sharks, free from living under the oppressive weight of their constant threats and demands every waking day of her life. And only those who had walked in her shoes could truly understand how liberated she felt at the moment. What has she not done? She had taken on every job that crossed her path. Waiting tables, bartending, cleaning, tutoring—just name it an
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TWO: Old Flame
In the blink of an eye, Juniper felt a forceful tug, wrenching her away just in time, a bare fraction of a second between her and a one-way ticket to the great beyond. Even as she and her rescuer tumbled onto the hard pavement, Juniper's eyes remained tightly shut, her entire body trembling with terror. Then, for some inexplicable reason, she began to feel herself relax in the strong embrace of Mr. Mysterious Savior. She couldn't quite determine if it was the enticing fragrance of his cologne or the feeling of security in his arms, as though she was always meant to be there. She couldn't tell. In that moment, the stranger gently shook her, his voice—a rich baritone and deep with concern—breaking through her stupor. "Juniper! Juniper, open your eyes. Are you okay?" WHAT?! HE KNEW HER NAME TOO! Now that was enough to make Juniper flutter her eyes open, her gaze landing on the masked face of her rescuer. Despite the disguise of a face cap and mask, she recogniz
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THREE: At Wits' End
BREAKING NEWS: HEIRESS VIVIENNE BELLEROSE DIES IN A CAR ACCIDENT. The newscaster's voice, deep and sharp, boomed as he began to convey the horrible news to the public. "Good day, everyone. On today's breaking news from Valterre City. . . the heiress of the Bellerose Fragrance, Vivienne Bellerose, has tragically passed away in a car accident. According to sources from the family, Vivienne had embarked on a trip several days ago, with plans to return soon after, but communication with her had abruptly ceased. An intensive search ensued, leading to the horrifying discovery of her car submerged in the Valterre River, having apparently veered off course, skidding down the cantilevered road to Valterre City. Reports allege that the authorities are presently conducting an exhaustive investigation into the circumstances surrounding this devastating incident. . ." Bolting upright in shock, Juniper's eyes grew wide with horror, fixated on the television screen as it displayed an image o
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FOUR: Meeting The Clermonts
Juniper stood in front of the looming massive metal gate as the morning sun cast its golden rays on the sprawling entrance of the Bellerose Estate. It seemed a world away from the life she knew and had, yet here she stood, ready to take the first step into the heart of the Bellerose family. Today was the day she had to lay everything out on the table. The day she was going to reveal the truth, a revelation that would ripple through her life and the lives of the Bellerose family, leaving no stone unturned. She'd waited for a month. A month was quite enough time for them to mourn and. . . enough for her not to lose her mind from the weight of thinking about the child growing rapidly in her womb. The clock was ticking. It was barely five months remaining before the little Bellerose would be born. The earlier she got this settled, the earlier she could move on with her life. Whatever decision they decided to take over this issue would determine the future of their gra
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FIVE: Into The Bellerose Mansion
Antoine began to cough, sputtering and choking as the coffee he’d just swallowed slipped in the wrong direction. He definitely did not see that coming. "Are. . .are you okay?" Juniper stuttered in concern, half-rising to assist the man in any way possible, a deep-seated instinct she'd developed from years of caring for her sick mother—who had eventually passed. "I'm okay!" Antoine managed in a croaked voice, gesturing with a raised hand to reassure her. “I’m fine." He must have been taken aback by that news, Juniper thought. Her eyes drifted to his wife and apparently, Antoine wasn't the only one stunned. Florence was staring at her wide-eyed and her mouth a perfect O. She feared that the poor woman might dislocate her jaw at any moment. Maybe she shouldn't have dropped the bombshell on them that hard. But, some pieces of information were best delivered promptly without a moment of hesitation. And this one fell squarely in that category. Florence’s wor
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SIX: Mystery Note
Juniper was beyond startled that she couldn't control her eyelids from fluttering wildly. Who the hell was this weird dude? Smoking hot, no doubt. But also pretty much weird. He released her from the embrace, gazed intensely at her for a brief moment, and then pulled her back into a tight squeeze. OKAY, DUDE, CALM DOWN! PERSONAL SPACE, PLEASE! But it didn't seem like he was going to budge. "Uh. . ." Juniper chuckled awkwardly, her eyes veering to the Clermont sisters, silently pleading to be rescued from the enthusiastic man. And luckily, they picked up on her distress signal. Chloe rolled her eyes to the ceiling. "Alright, Dylan, dial it back a notch. You're creeping our guest out with your over-the-top theatrics." "Not to mention suffocating!" Audrey slotted in, her attitude mirroring that of her sister's. Finally, the man released his grip on Juniper, his moist grey eyes locked onto hers for a delicate moment before they shifted to the Cl
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SEVEN: Falling For Her Sister's Fiancé?
[BEWARE OF THE CLERMONTS!] Juniper's eyes froze at the ominous warning, her body transfixed as if rooted to the spot. What does this mean? Why was she being warned about The Clermonts? The paper trembled in her hands as her mind raced with questions and confusion. Her eyes darted around the bathroom as if she expected to find someone lurking in a corner. Was this some kind of prank or something? Juniper's eyes returned to the note again, rereading the message over and over again, uncertain what to do about the enigmatic warning. She wasn't sure whether to heed the caution or dismiss it, because it was totally absurd. The Clermonts had shown her nothing but warmth and hospitality since day one. What was this mysterious note-leaver trying to do? She had to discover the person who was behind this, but she knew she had to do it discreetly. She could tell it was one of the maids, but which one? The mystery note consumed Juniper's thoughts for days, as
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EIGHT: An Unexpected Proposal
Before their lips met, the thudding of someone's feet echoed through the foyer and Audrey's usually giddy voice boomed from the grand stairs. "Hey, are you guys back already?" Instantly, Juniper and Dylan tore away from each other, turning to face her. They smiled awkwardly as their voices croaked in perfect sync, "Hey, Audrey!" Their sheer abruptness made Audrey flinch backward, her eyes darting from one to the other. "Uh. . . is everything okay?" "Mm-hmm! Yeah, everything's great!" Juniper's words tumbled out in a forced cheeriness. "Absolutely! Perfectly fine!" Dylan concurred in the same spirit. Audrey dealt both of them a look of downright skepticism. "Okaaay. . ." she drawled in a raw monotone. Her tone was laced with doubt, but she seemed to dismiss her concerns, turning to Dylan with a request. "Anyways, Lanny, can I steal you away for a minute? I really need your expertise with something." Dylan nodded obligingly. "Of course, Audrey!" As he turned
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NINE: His Royal Highness
CEDRIC?! Juniper couldn't stop her jaw from crash-landing to the floor. PRINCE CEDRIC WAS CHLOE'S BOYFRIEND? Before her brain could even process what was happening, the entire household suddenly bowed in reverence. "Welcome to our humble abode, Your Highness," Antoine boomed with exaggerated enthusiasm. "We, uh, weren't exactly expecting you," he added in a light tone, each word dripping with a decent amount of sarcasm. "Thanks to our lovely daughter's thoughtful planning." Chloe giggled, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Hey, I just wanted to surprise you all." Antoine shook his head good-naturedly at Chloe's antics, before turning his attention back to Cedric. "Please, accept our apologies for not giving you a proper welcome." Cedric let out a low, rumbling chuckle. "Oh, no need to apologize, really. And please, let's skip the formalities. I'll appreciate it if you treat me like. . ." His voice trailed off as his eyes shifted towards Juniper. As his
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TEN: Their Rendezvous Point
Juniper's emotions had been all over the place lately, and she wasn't sure if it was just her usual ups and downs or the crazy hormones that came with pregnancy. But one thing was weird. . . For some reason, she was genuinely glad to see Chloe kicking it off with Cedric, even though he claimed it was just a "relationship of convenience". Yet, she felt a weird twinge in her chest whenever Chloe talked about their good times together. It was like her heart was saying, "Hey, remember when you two had a thing? Yeah, that was real." She wasn't proud to admit it, but she felt a lingering attachment she couldn't shake off. But when Chloe left for a corporate retreat a few days ago, she felt a wave of relief wash over her—no more sappy stories, no more accidental run-ins with Cedric. Or so she thought! Juniper was shuffling to the grand kitchen in her extra-fluffy Sherpa slippers to get a fresh can of whipping cream—her latest craving for the week—when the chime
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