
Don't leave (2)

"Everything is ready," Uri returned to the moon goddess with the news. Though her heart was heavy and she wished the ritual would not be performed. She bowed her head in submission and let Selene have her way.

Selena lifted her son off the ground and carried him out. Emilio followed behind her striding next to Uri. The other elders formed a straight line behind the two of them guarding the moon goddess.

"May I ask what's going on?" Emilio dared to ask Uri. Uri glared daggers at him. She placed a finger on her lips ushering him to be silent.

It was a day of mourning, the moon goddess deserved all the moments of silence they had to give.

Selene pulled Daylen closer. Her life on earth had made her feel like she could never trust or love again. However, she realized her one true love wasn't the man who stole her heart. But the man who called her mother.

For her son, she was ready to lay down her life. To see him happy and for him to live a fulfilling life. The desire to protect Dayle
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