
17 - What Happened?

~River's Point of View~

“Ms. Gonzalez, I need you to understand that I am a representative of the council and any information you give me needs to be true and correct. Lying to me is the same as lying to them. The penalty for a vampire lying to the council is two years chained with silver in a coffin. Do you understand and swear to be forthright,” I asked.

“Yes, Mr. Black, I fully intended to cooperate,” she said, with a slight Caribbean accent. Damn I was good!

“Good, let’s get started. Please tell me how you first met Vincent Lopez and how you came to make him vampire,” I said.

“I met Vincent at Runaway Bay, in Jamaica. He was a trader, spices and such. He was simply dashing and I couldn’t help but follow him. Several nights I did so and one night he was walking back to his cabin from dinner when a pirate jumped on him, beat him up badly and stole his money. I fought myself on whether to interfere, I know we are not to involve ourselves in human matters but I was just so … taken with
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