
51. How Do You Feel About It

Third Person's POV:

Olivia's words tumbled out uncontrollably, a torrent of revelations about Mason's mistreatment of Isabel since the day they exchanged vows. She knew she shouldn't be the one to expose these painful truths, but she felt compelled to prevent Jeremy from naively idolizing Mason as a paragon of virtue.

Jeremy stood there, stunned and disbelieving. The shocking accounts of Isabel's suffering at the hands of Mason's family flooded his mind. He recalled the countless times he had seen her anxiety and worry, a result of the relentless torment she endured from those who judged her solely based on her appearance. Jeremy had never expected such cruelty from someone he had deemed decent, his perception shattered by the truth that had been unveiled since he first met Isabel.

Regret clawed at Jeremy's conscience as he questioned his agreement to let Isabel donate her kidney. If he had known the depth of her suffering beforehand, he would have never allowed her to extend such kin
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goodnovel comment avatar
Finally update let’s see how long till the next one Good chapter

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