
Chapter 3- Talvin

Chapter 3- Talvin's POV

          I tried to take all of the anger out of my voice when I spoke to my mother. I really tried. "The problem is," I must talk myself down from screaming at my mother in her current state, I urge myself. My anger has me seeing red, and I must try and control myself, but I knew that I  now needed to tell her something. I made a mistake and lead with some form of words, letting her know something was, in fact, happening. "There is more." These few words were all I could give her at this moment. I couldn't continue without my anger bubbling to the surface and taking over. If that were to happen, I would break more than the trust my family had in me. I must keep quiet for now. I need to think about everything with a clear mind. I can not let myself jump to conclusions in this situation. 

          Sitting back in my chair, I waited for what felt like hours for Fulton to come back with the Doctor. All I could do was stare at my mother in disbelief. Never did I think that my mother would stoop to such a level and seek out a Vampire. I thought we were enough for her, were we not? I knew what was happening, and I had the answers that she so desired. I knew who that man was the moment that I saw him. I had sought him out two years ago for help. He helped me with more than just my anger and anxiety. I made a deal with him that would make me his soon enough, a deal that would help children in desperate situations much like mine. A deal I never have and never will regret. He saved me that night, and maybe he saved Mom too? I question myself, but I dismiss it quickly, knowing there is always more to the story. A story that I want all the answers to, whether I must demand answers, is another question.

        I thought he was here for me when he showed up on our front lawn. I have seen that look in his eyes before when he is looking for his mark and demanding it to come forward.  When he looked at Mom the way that he did, I knew how bad off Mom was. I knew we were all in trouble if he is looking at Mom the way that he was. She clearly made a deal with the man and is refusing to admit to it. I'm curious, though, why can’t she remember? Why is she not admitting to what she has done? Mom has always been the first to announce the truth to any of us. Whether we like what we are hearing or not. She believes in the truth first and asks for forgiveness later. She says that she does this to make herself a better person. Why would she now choose to start lying about what is happening to her? In the hospital of all places?

            Considering the unbelievable, I ask myself one final question. “What if Mom truly doesn’t remember?” She could be telling the truth. It would explain her confusion and demanding questions. I have seen her confused before, and it looks much like it has in the past. Maybe I should give her the benefit of the doubt. I conclude. I was calming myself more with my new conclusion.

Closing my eyes, I slide deeper into my hospital chair and recall the memories from this morning. Mom had woken up with infected bites on her neck. Thinking back to how they looked and how they look now, I knew they were in no way infected by mosquito bites. They were bites I have seen numerous times before. How did I not notice it? How did I not connect the dots on what the bites were? I question myself mentally.

My mind shifts to the Doctor's visit that I had eavesdropped on, and by the concern in the Doctor's voice and what she was asking to see, she had to know what she was looking at. She just was not positive in her findings. Who would voluntarily announce that it looks like a vampire bite and a Doctor at that?

          Pinching the bridge of my nose, I revisit the image of when I spotted Mom's blood-filled band-aid on the porch that she had somehow misplaced. If it were soaked that badly and outside, there was only one thing it could be. My mind had begun to wander as Mom went into the house to retrieve towels for us.

          Then he was standing there like I remembered him doing in the past as he waited for me. "Mom," I called out. I was not sure why I was calling my mom. He could be here for me, not her. Maybe I just wanted her to know what happened to me if he were to take me. I would never allow him to take her or my siblings. I made that split-second decision the moment his eyes fluttered over my own. "I’m not here for you, boy” His voice sounded in my head. He was giving temporary relief, followed by a volcanic amount of fear. Moving inside, I watched him disappear around the side of the house. He may be fast, but I can see him move; I know where he was going, and no one will find him where he has gone. Not unless I lead the way to him; after all, my blood will open the door for our family. The binding contract that I had entered into gave me access to his Kingdom when I need it.

Hopefully, granting access to the Kingdom is not something I will need to do again anytime soon. If I have to access his Kingdom to retrieve my Mom, I will. I will risk my life and make any new deal necessary to protect her.

Sighing, I make a painful realization as I look upon her. She is all I have left besides my brothers. I hope I do not have to make a new deal to protect her.

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