

Fuck, my head was pounding. I tried to sit up, but that made the pounding worse. I heard a whimper beside me, and I looked to my right and saw Brielle lying on the ground. As my senses started returning to me, I realized that we weren’t on the ground but on the floor of some vehicle. I was finally able to sit up without my head exploding. I heard voices coming from ahead of me. I looked around, and we were in a van or a huge SUV. I laid back down when I heard one of the guys say something about checking on us. I pretended to be asleep.

“ Are they still out?” One guy asked.

“Yes, the sedative she gave us worked like a charm. I am still confused as to why you took the human. She means nothing to either of them.” The second guy comments.

“I think she is pretty, and I need a new blood source and toy. She is for me.” The first guy explains.

When they returned to paying more attention to the road, I looked at Brielle. Derick is going to lose his shit. I could slowly feel
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