
Author's Note

Hello guys,

I'm Inos.

Once again. First of all thank you for hanging on till here. The next few chapters will a roller coaster ride.

So hang in there.

Secondly, yesterday's chapter was posted in a hurry. I'll be editing previous chapter 108 and posting it as 107 so your reading is not affected in any sense. It's up for editor approval.

Thirdly, I have made the changes some changes in the previous chapters the errors I've found. Please remove the book and add it again to your library to see them.

For your convenience, please do it after the weekends since the edits need my SE's (signed editor) for the sake of the content I'm giving you guys after editing. And, she doesn't work on weekdays. Give it time till Tuesday before adding the book again.

(Sigh, the trouble I put everyone through. Forgive me if you can. Sorry?)

Next this message is only for those readers who have added my book before 30th of May. Not after.

And lastly, I just want to thank all you lovely people for reading my book and hanging. You have no idea how I feel seeing that one collection more to my book.

It's just very elating. And, I'm thankful for each and everyone one of you. Just so you know, words can never express the amount of love and gratefulness I feel for each and every single one of you.

You reading this book is what makes my journey here as a writer successful.

Thank you so much.


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