
Chapter 151 "The Preview of: The Badass and The Beta"

And now.

Everybody you have all been waiting for.

A Sneak Peek of Ashely and Jayson's. Their hate and love story.

Drum roll pleases...

Here is The Badass & The Beta.


(A month after Emilia Lake Party)

Ashely P.O.V.

"In this corner, standing here. We have Sunshine," he drags outshine. Weights one hundred and twenty pounds and standing here at five-five." The announcer says over the microphone.

"In this corner, standing here. Daisy Woods!" He drags out wood." The announcer yelled out in the microphone. "So, at One hundred and twenty pounds and five-two foot tall." She has been undefeated six times champion." I hear many people out in the stands hooting and yelling my name.

"Daisy Woods!"

"Daisy Woods!"

"Daisy Woods!"

I stand there looking over at my opponent. I am ready to fight this Sunshine, and I am nervous at the same time. I have been stepping on eggshells, and I have been jumpy lately in the last two days because of school when we came back on our winter break. Because wh
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