

Grey's Pov.

"Scar?...Is that his name? I asked cutting her words short as I repeated the name in my head. For some weird reason it felt like I have heard the name before.

"I do not really know Alpha, we only refer to him as Boss, it is only his personal hit man that most times call him 'Scar', so I think it's his Organization name." She answered.

"How and why did they easily accept you and how did you climb up the ladder to being his secretary so quickly when you haven't seduced and slept with him?"

I asked her, curious of the fact that it was simply an unreal situation, I personally would not be so easily trusting of someone I barely know to even conceive the idea of giving him or her no matter the persons gender, such a revered position that can make or mar my entire effort and achievement I have been committed to building.

"The difficult part was getting the information from someone who could keep his mouth shut and could be bribed to make my entrance as unproblematic as possib
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