
Potential danger

I got home after speaking to Winter at the club. She scared me for a second, just for a second because I didn't know if what she said was true. Was Hunter really a psychopath who was out to get my soul? His female targets never survive. Survive from what? From his amazing thick body and good stroking skills? I found it a bit funny. Because I knew if a stranger asked about me to people, they'll say horrible things first before mentioning the good attributes about me.

I wasn't just anyone. I was his future sister-in-law. He can't mess with me like he did with the others. He gotta think twice about that.

Denzel was downstairs when I entered the living room. He was working on his laptop. I sat beside him and leaned my body on his bicep.

"Clubbing again?" He asked raising his brow.

"It was an emergency. Your cousin wanted to do something stupid. I had to stop him. Otherwise, I don't know what he'd do to those girls who try to fight me." I pointed out.

"Of course, he'll try to make you worry about him. He has always been an attention seeker."

I chuckled. "We are all attention seekers if you think about it from a general view."

"Sure, whatever you say. I got the wine today. My uncle's wine that you drank. It finally came in." He revealed. I looked over at the show glass and saw it standing separately.

"I'm happy for you." I teased.

"We can savor any of the drinks together but not that one." He pointed out. I nodded like a little kid.

"My body aches though. I haven't fully recovered from the fever and now, those hoes had to hit me where it hurts the most." I complained.

"I'm sorry about that—"

"I feel so feeble. It's just too much pain." I cried clinging to his shirt. He kept his device aside and stared at me intently.

"You're bigger than this. I know you are." He soothed and I sniffed.

A loud knock came on the door interrupting the moment. I slowly wiped away my tears and we looked at the door together.

"I'll get it." He said and went toward it. The moment he punched in the code, the door jolted open and Morgan came in calmly.

"Did you lose your way, father? You haven't come here for two years now." Denzel said still standing at the door.

"Oh, no. I didn't lose my way. I know what I was coming to when I turned on the ignition." He strolled to where I was standing and stood face to face.

"When I heard you were now living with my son, I laughed. I laughed because he let a cheap slut into his home. A woman that has been with an uncountable number of men out there. It's really a funny thing." He was mean and insulting but I didn't waver. "How could you do this to me, Denzel? How can you accept a woman who manipulated your father? How can you possibly see her as a clean person when she's nothing more than a filthy rag..."

Denzel interrupted him even when I didn't expect him to;

"You still screwed with the so-called filthy rag. That makes you an even dirtier person. If you've got nothing meaningful you say, please leave. We were in the middle of planning our wedding. Isn't that right, my little bee?"

"That's right, my crown. We have such a small time to plan such a big event."

"Denzel, what do you want me to do for you stop this nonsense?" Mr. Morgan pleaded, his voice cracking. He sounded really fucked.

"Well, let's see... You can start by going to hell." He replied sternly.

"I've given you a choice, son. Don't come running to me when this tramp runs away with all your money!" He yelled before storming out of the house.

"I can't believe he'll send those people to hurt you. Just because we are engaged." Denzel said after he was gone.

"Not because we are engaged but because we are not bowing to his terms. He wants to control us both with his money. He longs to see us give up. That's his goal."

That night, Denzel and I spent the night in his room. We put a demarcation on the bed and I was surprised we didn't ruin it when we woke up from our sleep in the morning. I went to Winter's house to see her since she didn't give me much detail the previous night.

I was outside ringing the doorbell nonstop. She wasn't opening the door. Her car was outside so I couldn't walk away yet. I kept tapping on the switch until the door finally opened. There she was, in her revealing nightie and an oversized robe to cover herself up.

"OMG, It's eight in the morning for peace's sake. Why are you coming over so early?" She asked with sleepy eyes.

"I didn't know you'll still be in bed. What better way to spend the weekend than visiting my cousin to get the juicy details of a man who's out to kill me, huh?" I rushed In one breath and she laughed.

"You're crazy, Sheldon. I can't believe gossip brought you to my house so early in the morning. Don't you have Denzel to take care of? I hope you both aren't just playing roommates. You should get some actions going so he doesn't get tired of you." She yawned in her bad breath.

"Oh, please. He's already tired of me but there's nothing he can do about it. He needs me."

"Oh, come on Sheldon. I don't want you to come back to the streets again. I want you to have something solid. Something that doesn't involve you dealing with impatient clients in the middle of the night. Remember, you said your mother didn't want you to keep doing that."

"I didn't know you cared enough to remember the things I said about my mother." I was amused.

"Of course, I do. What do you—"

"Baby, what's taking you so long to bring that ass back to me?" A manly voice questioned from the stairs and my heart sank. I was startled because I didn't know someone else was in the house with us!

It was Justin, one of Denzel's annoying friends. He was standing at the stairs, only in his briefs. He didn't leave despite seeing me. He remained stiff like what I just learned doesn't matter.

"When is she leaving so we can get back to what we were doing?" He asked pointing at me as I was beneath him. I was beneath his peacock tail of course.

"Please, wait for me upstairs, Justin. I can't leave my cousin hanging." Winter replied looking at him.

"I see..."

"I'm Denzel's fiancee, you prick. You can pick on me all you want but I'm gonna be your boss, soon. You'll learn to respect me. It's just a matter of time." I seethed before showing him the engagement ring on my finger.

"Fiancee? You must be dreaming. I'm calling Denzel to confirm this outrage." He turned around and went back upstairs.

"What exactly are you doing with that guy? I thought you were waiting for Henry?" I asked, perplexed.

"I am but I decided to keep myself busy with Justin. It's only temporary."

"I get it. But I seriously wonder how you put up with his character." I shuddered dramatically.

"He's a lot more quiet when we are together, you know."

"Please, spare me the details. I'm more concerned about Hunter. You were going to tell me what you know about the females he targeted?"

"Oh, yeah. That's right. He used to have a girlfriend, A politician's daughter. She got kidnapped and despite everything her parents did to give the ransom to the abductors, they still murdered her and her body was found in a dumpster. Everyone believes Hunter is responsible for it all because he's friends with gangsters and works for them too. He trades weapons and does other bad stuff everyone talks about." She narrated.

"But the tragic stuff only happened to one of his girlfriends. How does that define the rest?" I drew my head closer.

"The last girl he ever openly paraded as his girlfriend got pregnant for another man. He broke up with her so she could go to the man who got her pregnant. After the breakup, she disappeared with her lover. Nobody knows where they went and if she ever gave birth to that baby. We don't know what happened to them."

"What if they left for another city? What if they got sick of this place and had to leave?"

"If that happened, maybe they could have told someone or maybe, some of their properties would have been taken. But when their close friends searched for their things in their houses, their clothes and everything they owned were still there. Hunter is only using his family's influence and wealth to get out of trouble. And he has made a name for himself. I personally see him as a walking danger zone. Something's not right with him, Sheldon. He can hurt you if you're not careful."

"This is a lot to take in. I don't know what I'm going to do." I racked my hair with my fingers like a mad woman. Maybe, I was mad with all this information.

"I think you should end the engagement if things go beyond your control."

I chuckled to myself. It already has.

On reaching home that evening, I received a message on my phone from an unknown number. I had already saved Hunter's number so I know when he's the one calling.

But, this number was different. With a locked ID.

I unboxed the message and read through it. At first, it was a photo of me driving out of Denzel's house this morning to go see Winter.

Then, a text message followed.

Unknown number: You're a sinner and you'll die an excruciating death for what you've done.

Oh, great. I've got a stalker and a potential serial killer on my tail.

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