
Little bee

I was out of the school clinic and taken to the office where Denzel was. I thought he'd be at work but I thought wrong. He came a few minutes after I made the call.

"What trouble have you gotten into, my little bee?" He asked taking my hand and looking at my knuckles.

"Bee? Why'd you call me that?" I blurted wondering why he was suddenly sweet. Sweeter than he used to be.

"You stung two girls with your tail this evening even though you were outnumbered."

My ears perked up. "Those two girls were hospitalized, weren't they? I warned them before they started throwing punches. They got what they deserved. You should be proud to have a strong fiancee." I was all smug and happy despite the many stitches and bandaid all over me.

"I thought you were gonna get sued. But the director got it all covered. He's a friend of my mom's. You're not getting into any trouble. Those girls will get punished accordingly." He assured me and I slowly withdrew my hand from his.

"What makes you think it's your mom's influence? That man is my good client. We had a thing a few times." I smiled.

"What? How dare he sleep with my fiancee and then sit there and look so innocent." He said sounding jealous and I laughed loudly.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and drew him close. "During that time, I didn't have you and I was up for grabs. But right now, I'm not single anymore. You own me now and anyone who wants a piece of me is gonna go through you first." I was gazing into his soul with my eyes. I wanted him to feel what I feel sometimes. We always had our difficult fights and misunderstandings but it's never permanent.

He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to him. My chest was smashed with his.

"Why...why are you saying this, Sheldon?" He asked, hypnotized by how I dug my sights on him.

I drew my head close to his ear so he could hear me loud and clear. "Because I'm not leaving you, Denzel. Your father is going to watch me do my worse. I'm not cutting off the engagement. We've only begun."

I pulled his head closer to mine and enfolded my lips with his. I was kissing him, for the very first time. His tongue snaked around mine and he sucked on mine till I was out of breath. My nose let out a hot breath against his.

I kissed him like he was mine to keep forever. And he was someone I needed badly like air.

I was only out of breath and that was the reason I let him go. My mouth slowly pulled out from his and I was panting. He was only looking at me like he had seen a ghost.

"Let's go home. I'm starving." I said and hopped inside his car. He joined me a minute later after being numb. He was nervous as he put on his seatbelt.

He wasn't able to say a word until we got home, I went in first to have a bath. I wasn't prepared for a fight but what can I do? The battle came anyway.

I was done and stepped out for dinner, Denzel was waiting right outside my door and I flinched.

"What is it?" I asked watching his hands shake.

"You said you were starving. What would you like to have? I'm also on the menu." He stuttered.

"Denzel, what are you talking about? I meant actual food, not your food. Besides, you've got plenty of girls that'll be dying to have you on their menu. Just give them a booty call." I winked before moving to the kitchen.

"It's good you cleared that up because you had me confused." He said after clearing his throat. He was following me into the kitchen, he must have been really caught up in the moment.

"Come, help me cook." I urged him.

He obliged and turned on the cooker while I got the noodles.

"How are you so sure my dad sent those girls?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

What an easy question.

"I told you. He came to my school and offered me money. I refused and walked out on him. He must have thought of a way to make me pay." I answered.

"If your speculation is right, then those girls will confess to the police why they did what they did." He shrugged.

"Would you really like it if your father went to jail?" I asked him, squinting.

"That'll be horrible but I can't be bothered."

I laughed. "I doubt it. You'll be devastated if he leaves. You little mommy's boy."

He smiled and inserted his hands in his pockets. "Your neck is bruised, I was thinking of putting a hickey there."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, right."

After having dinner, I was cooked up in my room doing my assignments when my phone rang with an unknown number calling. I answered it with my eyes on my books.

"Hey, Sheldon. It's me." Hunter said over the phone and I groaned. There was a song playing in the background and I knew he was at a club. Probably Winter's?

"And how on earth did you get my number? Are you stalking me now?" I asked clearly knowing the answer to that questions.

"I want their names. The girls who attacked you. Let me have their names."

"How did you know about that so soon? It's not like it was announced on the television or something." I blurted.

"I have friends all over the city. I know when someone I know does something out of the ordinary. So, just give me the information I need and this call will be over."

"You're obviously drunk! If you claim to have friends around, why don't you find out for yourself? Why come to me?"

The line went dead instantly. He hung up on me. That bruised my ego a little bit. I got up and wore a better outfit before heading to the club. Denzel was already asleep when I came to check up on him. I knew he was stressed from work so I didn't wake him.

I walked past the people dancing and some strippers moving around. I saw Hunter sitting on one of the stools at the counter. He had his back turned on me. I gently touched him and he turned around.

"Now, it seems like you're the one stalking me. What do you want, Sheldon?"

"I want you to stop getting involved in what's none of your business. Besides, those girls are already paying for it. You don't get to play hero just because you're physically fit for a fight. A life without challenges is like a soup without spice. It's tasteless. So, let me live my life without meddling. And whoever you sent to monitor me in school should go do something better with their life."

"Nicely said. That still doesn't answer my question of who fought you. I still want to know."

Now, I was mad. "Did you not just hear a word I just said? Stop being controlling and leave me the fuck alone!" I pushed him on his chest and he leaned back, gripping hard on the counter.

"I heard you but I can't stop myself from caring. I'm not built that way." He grumbled like I just hit him with a stick.

"This is not healthy. Your care shouldn't hurt others. Besides, if you wanna be there for someone so bad, you can go get a girlfriend who you'll really commit to and fight all her battles."

"That'll be really difficult." He sighed.

"Why do you say so? You're really hot. You don't have to worry about your looks. Maybe, you just need to work on your confidence. Here, talk to me like you really like me and you want us to be in a relationship. It's easy." I fixed my hair and my shirt and posed like a stranger would.

He readjusted on his chair.

"Hey, I want to sleep with you and hang out with you."

I rubbed my palm over my face. "That Is the most disturbing thing I've ever had. But I know when you see the right girl, the right words and sincerity will come."

"Yeah, sure."

"Now, please, get off my case. Let me handle it. Don't come in and ruin it for me, okay?" I raised my hand to tap him on the shoulder, he flinched and I froze.

I wondered why they shudder when I raise my hand. Do they think I want to hurt them?

His phone chimed and he checked it on the desk. "I have to go."

We exchanged our pleasantries and he headed out of the club.

I ordered just one drink for myself before Winter showed up and collided my hand with hers.

"What the hell are you doing with that guy? A girl had to tell me in my office so I came to see things for myself." She was muttering closely.

"He's Denzel's crazy cousin. Such a mood. He drives me nuts, Winter, and not in a good way."

"Stay away from that guy. He's dangerous on so many levels. He hangs out with bad people that I can't even say hi to. You better run as fast as your legs can go, girl because his female targets never survive."

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