
Four cats

"What is it?" I asked turning around. I got a perfect view of his wet body and the water dripping from his hair. It reminded me of how much I wanted to have him then.

"Do you really think this tie will look good on the shirt? I've worn it once but I wasn't so sure..."

I blinked like it would help me understand him better. "Is that really what you wanted to ask me?" I was puzzled thinking of a way to launch at him for the anxiety I had to face because he sounded stern.

"I'm just joking. That is not what I wanted to ask you." He chuckled and put down the tie. "Are you and Hunter in a relationship? Did you know him before I came along?"

Now, that's the question I was hoping for. He knows Hunter was here in his house — alone with me. I figured that out soon.

"No, he's only trying to be friends. And I'm not leading him on. He obviously knows I'm engaged to his cousin. He can't do something silly knowing that."

"That doesn't sound genuinely honest because he still had something to do with you at the club knowing that we were getting married. It just didn't add up."

"I know but I also don't know what his intentions are. Otherwise, he must be nuts then." Period. I had no other explanation for why his family is so weird. "Unless you both are not on good terms. Is it possible he's trying to get back at you for something you did to him?"

"No, there's nothing at all." He exhaled, with his chest heaving. "That's all, you can go now. I can't stress you, especially now you're sick."

I left. Happy that the session was over. I got prepared for classes and Birdie came over to pick me up. Just last night, I was ever ready to end the pretense and go away from his life forever but now, my thoughts were conflicted. I wondered if I needed Denzel more than he needed me.

The first class was over when Mr. Morgan paid me an unexpected visit. He was standing outside of my classroom and waiting for me. I thought of what to say to him when he gets all controlling like he owned me. He had a lot of ego and feels like the world revolved around him.

"What do you want?" I asked folding my arms. I went to meet him at his car where he was waiting. The sky was cloudy like it would rain soon.

I was expecting the rain badly. Something to wet the floors and make everywhere feel cold.

"Hello, Sheldon. I'm glad you didn't try to run when you saw me. You've always been bold and naughty. By this time last year, you were running to hotel rooms just to serve me and have my money but now, you're creeping into my personal life like a snake. How ungrateful."

"I'm not the only ungrateful one. After all your wife did for you, you still couldn't keep your vows." I answered, unfazed.

"Hm, I come in peace, if you must know and I'm ready to forgive you for whatever you're doing with my son. State your price and I'll wire you the money faster than you use to undress for me. You'll leave my son and stay clear from our family. Don't worry about what people will say, all you need to think about right now is yourself, Sheldon. How you can change your world and do whatever you want."

I never met my father. And maybe because of that, seeing a grown man trying to speak to me tenderly irked me very badly.

"Let me guess, Mr. Morgan. You're trying to get a second daughter in law that'll be as perfect as Lena. Someone from a wealthy home and have influence that can make you richer. You're trying to have as much as your wife so you would have some power over her. So, even if she divorces you for cheating, you would have something to fall back on because she'll take everything from you. That Is your motive. Unfortunately, I'm ruining that plan of yours so you want to get rid of me soon." I figured.

"And so what? It's a win-win for both of us. I'll give you lots of money. You know how much you want it. You get what you want and I'll get what I want." He was grinning and showing his bare teeth at me.

I wished he knew how much it creeped me out.

"Why isn't Lena being in the family enough for you? I thought she was really kind and very generous. She has the power to lift you into one of the biggest offices in the state. Why hasn't that happened yet?" I curiously asked. I was driving at something. I wanted to know why Lena had those marks on her back. If it's Rehan that's inflicting the harm or someone else within the family. But there's no doubt Rehan knows about it. She's his wife for peace's sake. He knows.

"That is none of your business, you whore. State your fucking price so I can get the hell out of here." He snapped his fingers in aggression.

"The question is simple as ABC. You can answer it without stressing your muscles and weakening your body. Just say why Lena hasn't done the deed you married her into your family for." I persisted. I momentarily stood at a distance from him before he slams me against his car like he did the other day. I didn't know he could be so psychotic when offended. He was always a sweetheart during my night meetings with him. One of my favorite but cocky clients.

"State your price, bitch. I haven't got all day to talk about that lame woman!" He screamed.

"You can take your offer and shove it up your ass, you psychopath!" I screamed back so loud that he staggered away from me. My feet took the other turn and stormed away from the raging monster.

I caught up with Birdie and Cali who were waiting for me by their car. They wouldn't dare to leave me behind because they think Mr. Morgan was my sugar daddy. They loved such a scene more than anything else. When I caught up with them, they excitedly clung to my arm. I mutely went into the car with them.

After two extra classes, I was done for the day and ready to go home. That was until a girl came to me for help.

"...Sheldon, please help me. There are some guys. They are with my bag and I can't go home without it." She pleaded.

I groaned knowing how difficult it was to convince those gangsters to return what they take. I've confronted them before for taking something from a girl they liked teasing. I had to come to play hero to get it back but not without repeating myself and begging.

And those girls aren't brave enough to involve the school authorities and security men.

I left with the girl alone since Birdie and Cali had gone home to get ready for a party on a rooftop. She led me to the lonely alley and I was starting to feel something was up. This place was not where gangsters usually hang out. I'd understand if it was in front of the cafeteria.

"Are you sure this Is the place?" I asked the girl once more when I stared at the gloomy corner.

"Yes, this is it."

I drew a little bit closer to the dark spot. "Hello?" I called and my voice only echoed. If those goons were here, I would have heard their annoying noises and giggling by now.

"No one's here," I muttered proving my suspicions right by the silent atmosphere. On turning back, I was startled on seeing three other girls with us and they didn't look friendly one bit.

Oh, boy. I immediately knew they were for a reason. To bash my face.

"We have a little delivery from a close friend of yours." The tallest among them smiled widely that her cheeks rose close to her eyes.

"You're gonna regret this..." I warned keeping track of their movements. "I promise you, you'll spend a lot more treating yourselves than what you were paid to do."

"Shut up, bitch!"

Following the yell, the girls came at me all at once. I received the first blow on my abdomen and it caused me to fall on my knees. Another punch was sent to my back and I convulsed for a minute. My head needed a reset because of the impact.

I reached for a bottle next to the wall and smashed it on the ground. Using it, I pierced the girl dragging me by my hair on her leg and she screamed out in pain.

I received more beatings on my face causing me to bleed before I was able to stab the other girl with another bottle. I took on the other two girls, fighting them as if my life depended on it. Well, my life depended on it. Mr. Morgan must have wanted me dead and then, everyone would think I was just a victim of school violence. Like, I belonged to a secret society that caused trouble in school and such. I was ready to stake my claim. To make Morgan fear me with everything in him.

I was losing the fight. My strength was failing and I was weak. The girls knew how to use their legs to kick me backward and cause a lot of bruises. Using the technique Morgan was kind enough to show me in the hallway, I slammed the girl hard by the wall and she fell unconscious. Then, I ran away from the remaining girl.

I was running out of the alley when a car pulled over at high speed and I tripped, falling to the ground. The occupants in the car were some boys and they immediately rushed toward us to help. And probably send our asses to the school authority. When I was asked to call a family member to report the situation, I called Denzel — Zelbaby to see what his father has done to me.

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