

Denzel wasn't looking at me. He didn't spare me a glance to notice I was sick. All he cared about was going to his parents.

I got ready anyway and masked my face with enough makeup. I didn't want to look like I was dying soon. The drugs were helping and I could take steps more easily.

The limousine arrived and Denzel went in a bit too quickly. I was starting to wonder if there was an emergency with the mighty Morgans.

When we hit the road, I poured out my mind; "Denzel, I don't want to go through with this engagement anymore. I'm going to call it off and don't worry, I'll be the one to break it off in front of your family."

"What? Why should you be the one to call it off?" He questioned.

I wasn't expecting that to be the first thing he says.

"You want to be the one to call it off? I have an image to protect. It'll make you look like the innocent and sensible one. They'll all think I was a gold digger and you were smart enough to get rid of me before we tie the knot. You're not the only one who wants to look like the good guy." I pontificated. He's trying to play smart with me.

"If you break off the engagement, my father will be happy he won at zero costs. If I end up breaking, he'll even be happier. And I don't need this kind of news right now. This isn't the right time." He rasped.

"Fine, but just know, our days faking this are numbered. I can't take any more of your selfish behavior." I blurted out.

"Selfish? How am I selfish? I literally give you everything you ask for. Even the ones you don't mention. How am I selfish?"

"You're so obsessed with your stupid revenge and your family that you don't even care about how I feel. You're insensitive."

There was silence from his end. And the moment we got to the mansion, he left the car.

Apparently, Mrs. Raven was sick and was in bed in her room. Her nurse was by her side, checking up on her when we came in. She briefly made eye contact with Denzel before exiting the room to give us some kind of privacy with his mother.

Denzel sat beside her and took her hand gently.

"Hey, Mom. It's me, Denzel." He said gazing into his mother's face.

She didn't respond. Her face was numb and she seemed to be unconscious. I maintained my distance, not ready to act affectionately to a woman I barely knew. When my legs got weak, I sat on the sofa, taking a nap I didn't know how long it lasted.

I only woke when Denzel called my name.

"What's up? Is she awake?" I asked, stretching my hands toward the sky.

"She woke up for some minutes and slept again. I'll stay here with her. The driver will take you home. Unless you want to stay with me—"

"No, I'm not staying. I have things to do." I jibed getting up on my feet.

"Oh..." He whispered like he had so much to say but soon recollected himself. "See you in the morning, then." He shrugged.

I raised my hand and he flinched. I chuckled since I only wanted to pat him on his shoulder.

"She's gonna be alright."

Then, I quietly left the room.

I met Hunter in the hallway, wearing expensive red pajamas. For a second, I thought he looked good in them. But I was frozen when he brushed past me like I wasn't even there. That I never existed.

It was disappointing and awkward. I wasn't ready to confront him either. I just kept moving.

I rolled my eyes and went out of the building.

Back in Denzel's house, I clothed myself with enough thick coats I could find. I turned on the heater and sat at the fireplace, heating myself. It cured the feeling that cold was setting into my bones.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Thinking it could be the driver, I left the little comfy setup that I found solace in and went to the door. I peeped through to confirm my thoughts. It was Hunter, standing outside. I put in the code and opened the door for him. He walked in with a duffle bag in his hand.

"What are you doing here?" I asked standing at Akimbo. He ran his eyes over me before grinning.

"Your eyes were begging for me to come over." He silkily answered.

I scoffed. "When exactly were my eyes begging for you to come over?"

"When I saw you in the hallway. You were invested in looking at me." He grinned. "Besides, your darling fiancee is with his dear mother. Our bro code says 'Don't let your cousin's fiancee be all alone especially when she's sick."

"That's enough. You can go now." I touched him to lead him out of the house.

His arm was so strong and thick. I couldn't move him easily.

"What are you so afraid of? You're a club girl for peace's sake. You can handle being in the room with me for only an hour. You have nothing to fear, I promise."

"Club girl? You don't get to define me by that."

"I'm sorry. My mistake. I just take it that you're tough and determined."

"What an annoying way to sugarcoat your words like you mean well." I sighed. Might as well let him keep me company for an hour "What's in the bag?"

"Snacks and food. You'll love it. We can also binge on some cool movies." He sounded excited while responding. I couldn't tell why.

I couldn't say no to such an offer. I put out the fire in the fireplace and we stayed in the living room munching on all kinds of snacks. I was surprised to find out he was more into romantic movies. He just doesn't seem like a fan at first.

Following the plot of the series, I remembered Lena and what I had seen on her back the day before we went on the business trip and I got carried away.

"What do you think about Lena? Do you hang out with her like this?" I asked Hunter who was getting more cookies from the bag he came with.

"No, we are definitely not in the same category. She's just someone I see once in a while." He was smiling shyly while speaking. Like he fancies her or something.

"Oh, I see. So, you're not close enough to know how her relationship is with Rehan?" I inquired.

"They both seem to love each other on a healthy level. But they're not perfect. No relationship is." His smile faded and he was serious once more.

"Do you think Rehan can hurt Lena? Can hurt anyone?" I asked, not holding myself back like I intended to.

"Did you look at me passionately just to bring me here and drill me with questions about billionaires and their love life?" He was being sarcastic.

"I didn't ask you to come here. You can't accuse me of having ulterior motives. Just answer the questions. I asked them for a reason." I pouted.

"You can get this answer for free. You'll have to give me something in exchange for the juicy details."

"Oh, come on, Hunter! Stop being difficult." I complained.

"It seems like those answers weren't important to you after all." He chuckled.

"Fine, what do you want in exchange?" I tilted my head.

"I want you to spend a whole day with me, adventuring through the city and going to my favorite places..."

"Isn't that what couples do? How can we do that when we are not even dating?" I blurted.

"We are friends, Sheldon. Let's go as friends. And trust me, you'll love it."

I yawned, opening my lips wide. He laughed and shook his head like he was tired of me.

"I badly need to go in and get some sleep. I got classes tomorrow." I enthused getting up from the couch. He stands with me and takes the empty wrappers of the different snacks we consumed. He got rid of it and I was eager to see him to the door.

"So, what about that fun thing I wanted to exchange for the answers? Are you saying yes to me?"

"When you're ready to answer my question, you know where to find me. As for your little invitation, it's pending." I bid him goodnight before closing the door in front of him. If I listened to him any longer, I wouldn't get to bed soon.

The next morning, Denzel was home and I had to help him get ready for an early meeting that came up with short notice. I got out his shirt and suit, his shoes, and a tie that fitted his entire outfit. When he stepped out of the shower, I was already out of his way and was walking out through the door.

"You looked so pale when I saw you this morning. Are you alright?" I heard him ask behind me.

I sighed. If he said something earlier, maybe I wouldn't have made breakfast just for myself and without his dish included.

"I got a fever but you don't need to worry, I'm on drugs," I replied.

"Sheldon, I'm so sorry. I'm foolish not to have noticed. If there's anything you want me to do, please let me know."

I nodded and took a step to leave.

"Sheldon," he called again. "There's something I want to ask you."

I gulped, getting a hunch of what was up.

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