
Hunter's fever

A calm song was playing from the speakers in the clinic. I waited patiently in the bathroom to see the results of the pregnancy test I took.

Waiting for a lab result will take more time so I decided to try the two options I had. After scrolling through my phone for a couple of minutes, I finally looked into the kit lying on the sink.

Shivers ran through me as I peered at the object. My heart racing on what could be the outcome of this.

"Negative," I whispered to myself, loving that word for the first time. I wasn't expecting a baby anytime soon. I wasn't experiencing pregnancy symptoms. I took the kit and stepped outside of the bathroom after washing both hands.

"It's negative!" I cheerfully said waving it before Hunter who turned flustered because of the many eyes watching. The nurses were staring and I just exposed myself in front of the other patients.

"I don't know how this is a good news." He breathed out.

"What do you mean? You wanted me to be pregnant?" I asked dumfounded.

"I was expecting it." He sighed dramatically. I chuckled hoping he was joking because I could take that as a joke.

"This means one thing, you might have a fever." He paused checking my forehead once again.

And he turned out to be right, I was shivering by the time we returned to the car. I felt my veins pop out on my arms and the cold was killing me. Unfortunately, we were both coming home from a night pool party so we had less clothes on.

Hunter suggested we stop by a mall and buy clothes but I declined because it would waste our time. I looked forward to eating something and then, taking the drugs prescribed for me by the doctor.

On reaching the house, I frowned when Hunter came down from the car with me. The cameras must have captured us by now. If Denzel has access, I hope he won't roast me alive with his words and gaze when he returns.

"Thank you for your help today, Hunter. For kicking that guy's arse, getting me drugs and bringing me home. I'm super thankful but I think you should leave now." I mentioned blocking his path from entering the house. "And I mean it." I emphasized to sound serious.

"What kind of person would I be if I let you stay here all alone in this sick state of yours? Let me make sure you're alright and I'll leave." He replied.

I didn't have strength to argue with him the more so I turned around and pressed in the code to the house. We entered together and I locked the door afterwards.

The lights came on. Hunter rushed to turn off the AC so the living room wouldn't feel so cozy and freezing.

"What would you like to eat?" He asked stepping out of the kitchen with an apron tied around his hip line. I glanced at bare chest covered in markings of words and sentences I could only see up close. I thought of handing him Denzel's gloomy sleeves to hide his tempting parts.

"Anything," I answered with a shrug. There was no cooked meal in the fridge because it's just me and I could whip up anything to eat before going to bed. I had only myself to worry about.

"That response is bad on so many levels." He cracked up as he headed back into the kitchen. I dragged myself up and walked behind him just to watch him work.

I helped myself up the table like I was on the menu too.

He went over to the sink and washed his hands.

"You're so tall. Did you get it from your mother or is it from your Father's genetics?" I queried out of curiosity.

"My father." He said and gave off a big smile. "Since you're short, who did you get that from?"

"My mom." I answered, grinning. "You should see her when she was alive. Her beauty was so blinding that you'd want to see her everyday. I wonder why never participated in a beauty pageant."

"Your mother is late? Oh, I almost forgot. You mentioned that the night you came for the very first time." He mumbled.

"And you weren't on the table that day, Mr. Hunter. How did you know so much about me?" I asked smugly.

He glanced at me and smiled. "I was eavesdropping."

"Oh..." I whispered wondering what else he knows about me. If he's aware about what transpired between Mr. Morgan and I.

"I hope you haven't forgotten how much I dislike you."

"I haven't. I'm hoping to change that and that's why I'm here." He stirred the egg sauce, feeling the kitchen with pleasant aroma. I was itching to devour his dish already.

"I hope your food tastes as good as it smells." I whispered but I knew he heard me.

"Nothing about me is bitter. I'm full of sweetness." He winked at me.

I rolled my eyes. After he was done, he served the food in two plates and I was quick to dig in. However, after relishing a few spoon bites from my plate, I was starting to loose my appetite.

"Come on, why aren't you eating?" He asked drawing near.

"I've lost my appetite. I feel so full despite not having anything yet." I complained twisting the spoon in between my fingers.

He dropped his hand on my thigh and I wanted to flinch. I wanted to react but I remained still, transfixed on his lips talking.

"You have to try. Here, let me do the feeding and all you gotta do is chew and swallow. If you're unable to do this, you might as well let me do the chewing and I'll send it straight to your stomach through a passionate kiss."

"What a sick effort to get me to have something with you again. You shouldn't be doing this to Denzel. It's definitely not cool." I pointed out and pressed my legs together.

"Either way, your health comes first. I'm urging you to eat or this table seems strong enough to contain us both in our little exercise." He was seriously checking out the table with his hands like a psychopath.

"I will faint before anything happens. You seducing devil!" I rasped.

"I don't even know how to seduce someone. I'm just being me—"

"A disgusting and horny you." I blurted. Glaring at him, I started stuffing my face with food. As much as I could gather on my spoon. I forcefully ate it all and didn't feel nauseous to throw up.

When I was done, Hunter was smiling like a proud parent. I grabbed my medication and with Hunter's supervision, I swallowed the pills meant for the night.

"You can go now." I said the minute I was done.

"Are you sure you want me to leave? You sound like your nose has been blocked with something."

Oh, come on. He was messing with me.

"If it's blocked, how am I breathing through them. Please, leave. Right now!" I whined gripping his wrist.

I tried pulling him out of the kitchen but I immediately felt dizzy and numb. I touched my head where I was feeling a slight weakness. I could no longer stand.

"The drugs makes you sleepy, miss. I'll have to take you to your bedroom." He whisked me into his arms and took me to my bedroom. He laid me on the bed and I felt him cover me up with the duvet.

"Hunter..." I murmured with my last strength. "Are you really going?"

Maybe I asked because I wanted to be sure if I was home alone. To be aware if there was another presence in the house.

Or maybe, I didn't want him to leave me here all by myself.

Denzel wasn't home. In fact, I was glad he was the one here and not Denzel. It meant a lot to me because I was terrified for my life.

"No, I'm not. I'm here, Sheldon. Actually, I gotta do the dishes to avoid an odor in the morning. I'm still here, Sheldon. Go to sleep. You're safe, I promise. You're gonna get well soon." His voice was coming from the direction of the door.

"Have tons of dreams about me. You're not permitted to have nightmares tonight." He cooed.

I squeaked against my pillow like a little rat.

After sleeping like a tender baby last night, I woke up to find Hunter gone. I didn't know which time he left. He just...vanished.

And he couldn't wait for me to wake up.

I foolishly looked around for him since the dishes were done and a lot of things properly arranged in the kitchen. I thought maybe he was watering the garden next or repainting the garage.

I'd imagine he would repaint the house to peach just to spite me.

I realized he was gone easily because his car was gone as well.

I was living the day as a sick lady that I was until Denzel got home. Yes, all of a sudden, he returned from his business trip without letting me know. It was almost evening and there he was, stepping into the house alone with his things.

"The driver will be coming to pick us up in thirty minutes. We are going to the family mansion." He delivered the message before sauntering upstairs.

That's it, Morgans. I've had enough.

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