
Pool party

"This is stupid, I shouldn't be taken your damn advice. I don't know if this meeting and trips is worth the risk and time." Denzel complained as we went to the conference hall together. He was dressed in his formal suit and ready to go with his phones and laptop in his hand.

Last night was difficult to live through considering what's going on in his office.

"Trust me on this. You're making the right decision. Your father should be man enough to control things while you're not there." I encouraged.

"I turned my phone on silent so that I wouldn't get his phone calls about arresting you." He grumbled.

"You should know he has always wanted me out of his family. We can't blame him." I replied, grinning.

The meeting started and like a champ, Denzel convinced the team to invest in his new project. For the first time in a while, I was happy to be his fiance. When the meeting was over, I didn't expect Denzel to hug me tightly because of how successful it went.

A few days later, we were on our way back home after Denzel rescheduled the rest of his meetings with other investors for another day.

I tried not to be scared anyway because I was being accused of stealing from Denzel. I wasn't completely happy. I might get frames for something I didn't do.

On reaching the company, the police detectives stated that the money missing easy a fake alert and nothing was stolen from the company's account.

They fixed the bug related issues.

I was off the hook.

Just a day later, Denzel returned to his trip and I was left home alone. I was bored of being by myself so I agreed to attend Quentin's pool party. His friend was hosting one and he invited me over.

Pool parties weren't really my thing but it was better than doing nothing at all. I wore my swimming suit and drove to the location.

The party lively as hell as no one was looking tired or bored. I was surprised to see Birdie and Cali there. Since we didn't have any lecture, they were free to go anywhere they wanted but seeing them here wasn't what I expected at all.

"Hey, Sheldon. We are so glad to see you here, girl! You missed a lot with the professor." Cali excitedly said with her and Birdie holding hands.

"Tell me about it." I boredly expressed.

"He is such a sweet heart. We had so much fun at his house the other day."

"That man is terrified by the both of you. I think you should take it easy before he eventually breaks."

Birdie chortled. "I wasn't the one that told him to have such a great body. Those muscles, biceps, and thick skin"

"Argh! I remember when I used to be obsessed too." I rasped.

I've lost interest in him already. Maybe there's a reason behind it. Maybe it's because I know find someone else more admirable than him. "I'll go get some drinks, girls. Enjoy."

I moved away from them, with my head spinning. I needed to chill by myself. At least before I went home back to my lonely rock.

I sat at the counter and ordered a drink. I was sipping from it and staring into nothing when I felt hot breath blowing on my shoulder. I froze knowing there's someone behind me.

"Hey, girl. Don't tell me you're alone. We can hang together if you need some company." His deep voice inquired from my back.

I was creeped out immediately.

"That won't be necessary because I don't need your company." I answered and gently pushed him on the chest. "Step away, please."

"Don't play hard to get. There are plenty other girls that say this but they end up still agreeing later on. Just accept and I'll show you what I'm made of." He blew hot on my back.

The college guys in my department has always been nuisance. Their flirtation levels irks me and I don't even know how Quentin gets the kinds of girls he gets.

"I already declined. Now, move on." I insisted.

I wasn't like those other girls. No matter what he says with those alcohol reeking mouth of his, I wasn't going anywhere with him.

I seriously deserved much better than a creep who flat out tells me I'm playing hard to get.

"Are you sure about that?" He whispered. My whole body froze when he rubbed his hard member on my back just to make me feel his length.

Unfortunately, I got irritated and pushed him away from me.

"She said she's not interested." An awfully familiar voice intervened.

My face squeezed on seeing him again after the night at the club. It was Hunter, standing shirtless with just shorts that hung low on his waist to hide the lower part of his skin. The tattoos were more visible all over his skin.

The stranger walked away with a pissed off look on his face. I rolled my eyes. I was pissed too.

Hunter came close like he was my guard who was protecting me from all danger. Remembering what he did to me that night made me seal my lips from saying anything to him.

"You really like going to parties, don't you? I heard what you did to Lena." He said crossing his arms.

I ignored him and acted like he wasn't there.

"In case you didn't know, I'm the one throwing the party." He flaunted.

I still held my tongue.

"You know I'm talking to you, why aren't you responding?" He furiously demanded.

That's it. I got him real good.

I stood up from my chair having grown overwhelmed by the presence of Hunter.

He spoke like he was innocent.

I decided to excuse myself and head to the bathroom. Seeking solace within its walls, I hoped to find a brief respite.

First, it was the weird guy and now, its Hunter who almost ruined my arrangement with Denzel.

After regaining composure, I emerged from the bathroom, my mind momentarily distracted from the previous encounter.

However, to my astonishment, the stranger who couldn't get his hands off me unexpectedly launched a sudden attack on me. The tranquil atmosphere I had sought was instantly shattered, as the confrontation now takes an even more alarming turn. I didn't know what else he wanted. I thought he feared Hunter and would stay away from me because of him. I thought wrong.

His grip around my neck was so strong that I thought I would choke to death.

Unprepared for this new threat, my senses sprung into action, adrenaline coursing through my veins, as I planned my defense against him.

The situation shifted dramatically, the tense air now permeated by the urgency of self-preservation.

Though caught off guard, my determination to protect myself and overcome this screwed up challenge empowered me.

Resolute and ready, I tried the daunting task of neutralizing the aggressor in order to secure my safety.

The unsettling events that unfold from my decision to distance myself from Hunter and venture into the bathroom escalated rapidly, leaving me vulnerable to an unforeseen attack.

Suddenly, the man's hold on me loosened he got pulled away by two guys in my department. Hunter was with them and he punched my attacker across the face.

My heart skipped when his face turned red from the bruises Hunter was inflicting on him.

"You can mess with the others but not this one. She's different, otherwise next time, you won't be breathing." Hunter threatened before grabbing my wrist.

"Are you okay?" He asked staring into my eyes worriedly.

I shook my head negatively. I wasn't alright. I was weak and traumatized.

My heartbeat battled as he carried me into his arms and we exit the party ground together.

He carefully put me In his car and drew a seatbelt over me. My head was aching and I was starting to feel weak by the minute. What exactly was wrong with me?

He started driving. I felt us leave the premises. At some point, I had the strong urge to throw up. I cried for Hunter to stop the car. He stopped and I ran out, throwing up next to the bridge. He joined me seconds later and rubbed the back of my hair tenderly.

After I was done, he put me in the car and started driving to a clinic.

"We have to get drugs or a pregnancy test kit." He said and I jerked up on my seat.

"A pregnancy what?"

"Test kit." He completed.

I juggled between laughing or crying at his statement. But the laughter came first, filling the car with humor.

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