


"I have something for you," James smirked, his blue eyes twinkling mischievously as he held his hands behind his back. The scent of his cologne, a subtle blend of musk and sandalwood, filled the air around us.

"What is it?" I asked, my curiosity piqued as I leaned in closer, my heart fluttering in anticipation.

"The traditional gift for a one-year anniversary is paper, isn't it?" he replied, a playful glint in his eyes.

“I didn’t figure you for a traditional type of bloke, Mr. Barrington,” I teased affectionately.

Victor watched us from his cot, his bright blue eyes sparkling with interest. He chewed happily on his tiny fist and gurgled contentedly.

I hadn't gotten him a card, as was the tradition. Instead, Cassidy had helped me choose a digital photo book, its sleek design fitting perfectly in my hands. Our precious memories filled the pages - from our engagement and wedding photos to Victor's first photo shoot. The glossy photographs captured our love and happiness, a tangible reminder of the beautiful moments we shared.

He chuckled, the dimples deepening in his clean-shaved cheeks. He’d cut his hair short, something that disappointed me at first, but I’d gotten used to it. The shorter hairstyle brought out his sharp features, and he was more handsome than ever.

“You’re right about that, Sugar. I am far from traditional, but I think the opportunity calls for it. You’ll understand as soon as you open it.”

“The suspense is killing me. Can I have it now, please?” I took out my wrapped gift from behind my pillow. “I have something for you as well.”

As I handed him the photo book, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Love swelled within me, overpowering any doubts or fears. But deep down, there was a nagging thought, a whisper in the back of my mind that told me it was all too good to be true.

I loved him so, so much, but the fear of losing everything lingered. The thought of losing James, and even worse, losing my baby, sent shivers down my spine. James had assured me from the beginning that he would never keep our child away from me, but the unpredictability of life kept me on edge.

Nothing in life was certain, except death and taxes, as my father used to say. And as much as I wanted to believe in our forever, a part of me couldn't help but wonder if it was all just a fleeting dream.

Smiling, he took my gift and handed me a manilla envelope. I recognized it immediately, the familiar texture of the paper sending a shiver down my spine. My heart plummeted to the floor, heavy with anticipation. This was it. I knew the contract was in that envelope. My hands trembled as I took it from him, feeling the weight of its significance. The envelope felt like it weighed a thousand tons, pressing down on my palms.

He tore at the gift paper; the sound echoing in the room while I sat there with the envelope in my hands. It felt like time stood still as I watched him, my attention fixated on the delicate tearing sound. Oh, how my heart raced, my breath caught in my throat.

“Oh, Sugar… This is beautiful," he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. The sound of his voice reached my ears, but it felt distant, muffled by my racing thoughts. "Thank you so much, my darling." His words barely registered as the weight of the envelope consumed my mind.

He looked up at me and frowned, his gaze piercing through my thoughts. “What’s wrong? Aren’t you going to look at your gift?” His voice snapped me back to reality, and I swallowed hard, not trusting my voice to respond.

“James, I…” My words trailed off, lost in the air between us.

He put the digital photo down gently on our bed and reached over, gently grasping both my wrists. The touch sent a jolt through my body, grounding me in that moment. Blue eyes bored into mine, their intensity captivating. “I want you to do something for me, Sugar,” he whispered, his voice a soft melody in my ears.

“What?” My voice quivered, matching the tremble in my hands.

He got off the bed, pulling me with him towards the bathroom. The movement was swift, but my grip on the envelope remained firm. My senses heightened as I felt the cool air of the bathroom against my skin, the sound of our footsteps echoing in the tiled space.

“What are you doing, James?” I asked, my voice filled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

He opened the envelope and took out the contract, the sound of the paper rustling like a whisper. Then he gave me a lighter, its metallic weight settling in my palm. “I want you to burn this gift," he said, his voice steady and firm. "Right here, in the washbasin."

“You’re… Why?” My words wavered, a mix of confusion and curiosity.

“But this one,” he said, taking out another piece of paper, the sound of it unfolding like a secret being revealed. “This I want you to sign. I had another contract drawn up. One that binds us together for as long as we both shall live. Equal partners."

As his words hung in the air, a wave of emotion washed over me. Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision, as I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. The taste of salt mingled with the warmth of his lips, the sensation overwhelming. “You’re such a weirdo, James Barrington,” I managed to say, my voice choked with emotion as I came up for breath. “But you’re mine. Forever.”

James wrapped his arms around me, holding me close as if he never wanted to let go. The warmth of his embrace enveloped me, melting away any lingering doubts or fears. In that moment, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, hand in hand, forever entwined in each other's lives.

With a gentle smile and a twinkle in his eyes, James whispered, "Forever and always, my love." And in that moment, I knew I had found my home, my sanctuary, in the arms of this wonderfully strange and beautiful man named James Barrington, my wild billionaire.

The End.

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