
Chapter Twenty Seven - First Contact

Lia looked cautiously up. She let her eyes travel over the floor until she saw his feet. How was every part of him so beautiful? Even his feet! She licked her lips subconsciously as her eyes traveled up his legs, feeling oddly disappointed that he’d left so much of himself covered. Goodness. She really wanted to be in a room alone with a naked man that she barely knew? A flush of heat washed over her and she knew she was as red and warm as a freshly washed r****h. Lia swallowed hard and kept her eyes moving past the mass of denim on his lap, up his abs, and the soft smattering of red and brown hair on his muscular chest. When her eyes finally met his she could see so much passion in their brown depths! Heat pooled between her legs and she noticed his nostrils flare a bit. Somehow she knew that he was aware of how seeing his body had affected her. “how…?”

“Your pulse sped up and your body heated, which makes your scent stronger.”


“and you got damper between your legs, that has a very attractive scent too.” Lia squirmed a bit and felt herself blush again, the heat of it flushing her cheeks and heating her core at the same time. Knowing that he could sense that made her blush even more and she groaned in frustration at the viscous circle.

“Don’t be embarrassed Lia, you’re my mate. It’s normal that seeing me naked would turn you on. You turn me on just by walking in the room, even with all your clothes on.” With his eyes holding hers she didn’t doubt a word of what he said. He liked that she wanted him.

She liked that he wanted her too. That realization was just settling in her mind when Lia became aware that Jake’s face was slowly changing. The shape of his eyes was a little different, but the colour stayed the same deep, chocolate brown. His five o’clock shadow got darker and started to spread across his entire face and down his neck. His nose turned black as it slid slowly outwards into the shape of a wolf’s nose. Not really wanting to look away from his face, but still wanting to see the rest of his transformation she forced her gaze to drop to the rest of him. Fur was sprouting quickly over his chest and down his arms. She felt briefly deprived as his chiseled abs were hidden from view, but then she was distracted when she saw his body and limbs smoothly adjusting themselves into a different shape. Then suddenly, rather than a naked man covered by a bunched-up pile of denim, she was sitting across from a large black wolf who had a pile of denim underneath him, on the floor between his front and back legs.

And he was gorgeous.

Lia’s mouth went dry. She was not even slightly afraid of him this time. She sat in silence, looking at Jake and trying to process all the emotions coursing through her. Her skin was prickling, almost itchy, and her whole body tingled with the same strange desire that she’d had that night on her deck, but stronger. When she looked back at his face he put his head on one side, his mouth opened in an unmistakably playful grin and his tongue flopped out which made him look almost comical. Lia smiled but found she was still a bit nervous and uncertain.

“Can I… I mean… would it be okay if I touch you?” He snapped his mouth shut and bobbed his head as if he were nodding. Lia stretched her hand tentatively towards him, not at all surprised to see that it was trembling slightly. He sat still as stone while she touched the top of his head and ran her hand down the side of his face. He didn’t feel like a stone though. His fir was silky, warm, and inviting. Without realizing what she was doing, Lia slid off her chair to sit down on the floor beside him, her hand running along the side of his neck and over his shoulder. The fur was longer there and fluffed up a bit, sliding against the more sensitive skin between her fingers. She drew back a bit when the tip of his tongue tentatively touched her temple. Their eyes met, then Jake ducked his head to rub it against her cheek.

The touch seemed to set off a wave of tingly heat that rushed from her cheek and down her chest. The need to feel his fur against her bare skin suddenly became so fierce that, without thinking, Liana grabbed the hem of her sweater, slipped it up over her head, and dropped it to the floor. They both froze.

“I...I uhm...” Liana sighed and closed her eyes, covering her breasts with her arms first, then bringing her knees up in front of her like a shield. “I...I’m sorry...I...I just… I know this probably sounds so stupid but...oh God.” Embarrassment flushed her cheeks again and she bent her neck forward, resting her forehead on her knees. After a moment, the warm tip of Jake’s nose touched her arm. Liana lifted her head a bit and opened her eyes, meeting the warm chocolaty depths of his. The uncomfortable feeling seemed to melt and wash away, a soft sigh escaped her lips as she relaxed. Jake put his head to one side again and watched her, waiting for her to say whatever was on her mind. Somehow, talking to a wolf seemed so simple. Telling him her secrets and feelings wasn’t nearly as uncomfortable as talking to a person. “That night in my yard, when the moon was sparkling on your fur I suddenly had this odd feeling that I should be feeling your fur on my chest. The wool of my sweater was… disappointing. I mean, it’s soft and everything but… It just wasn’t fur. I didn’t know why at the time, but I really felt like I had to feel fur. The feeling was so strong I almost came down off the deck to give you a hug! I couldn’t believe it when I realized what I was doing. Going to hug a wolf? I even started to believe Gran’s crazy stories. I thought it might be the moon goddess trying to tempt me into doing something stupid as punishment for breaking the rule about going out at night.” She shook her head and smiled ruefully at her old beliefs. “Just now, when your face rubbed on my cheek I wanted that again. No, I needed it! I wasn’t thinking at all, I was just feeling. I wanted to feel your fur everywhere.” Jake stepped up quickly, knocking her knees out of the way and putting himself more or less on her lap. A smile spread across her face as his entire body rubbed against her arms. He leaned against her, pushing harder and harder until she started to fall backward, her arms coming up automatically to wrap around him so she didn’t topple right over.

A low growl rumbled from his chest, the sound reverberating through every cell of her body. But this time, rather than being afraid of his growl, she was pleased and excited by it. The slide of his fur against her breasts was even softer and more pleasurable than she’d imagined. Despite the heat of him and the heat within her, her nipples pebbled against him. She pulled him closer, sliding against his flank. Jake growled again, then twisted in her arms, licking at her cheek and then backing off her lap. Forgetting about her partial nudity, Lia reached out for him again. His tongue flicked out, lightly licking her cheek before he moved even further away. Lia grinned and launched herself towards him, catching him around the middle, pulling him close, her breasts feeling fuller with every stroke against his silky fur. The feel of it quickened her pulse. Jake wriggled some more, twisting around and touching the tip of his tongue to her neck. The warm dampness both tickled and tingled, making her giggle and shift her shoulder to hide her neck. Undeterred, the wolf licked her face, then her arm, making her laugh and gasp alternatively as she shifted around trying to get his fur closer to her and stop his tongue from finding her ticklish spots at the same time.

Suddenly he lunged against her, bowling her over onto her back. The feeling of him over her, his fur sliding against her skin, his tongue touching her neck making warm, wet spots that then cooled in the air was overwhelming. Lia pushed against him and rolled away, jumping to her feet and dashing behind a chair. He jumped up onto the chair and licked her face again, then dashed away, looking back over his shoulder to check that she was following.

Lia laughed out loud as she chased him around the room. When she caught him they rolled around together until she jumped up to run and he chased her. Her heart felt light for the first time in weeks. In fact, she was more carefree than she could remember ever feeling. She was grinning and laughing so hard when they crashed to the ground together that she didn’t notice the slightly different angle until Jake’s tongue touched her breast. Before she reacted to the surprise of that, he was wiggling around on top of her again, little nips and licks touching her in random spots on her neck, ear, and chest as they wrestled playfully. Jake pulled back suddenly and she started to sit up, expecting to have to dash after him for another hug, but he butted her chest gently with his head, and then, as she leaned back, he ducked down and nipped gently at her nipple! Lia gasped in surprise, then a soft “oh” escaped her as Jake soothed the sting with his tongue. Their eyes met, he tipped his head and his tongue lolled out to the side again with that cocky, wolfish grin of his, and Lia burst out laughing as she reached for him once more.

“She likes my nips!” An excited voice rang out in her head. Lia stiffened. Jake sensed the difference instantly, stilled, and pulled back to look at her face.

“I think I heard you talking,” she whispered in disbelief, “inside my head.”

He got so excited by her confession that his entire body started to wag with his tail. He leaped against her, licking her with the full length of his long, warm tongue. He was wiggling, bouncing around, and yipping so much that she couldn’t have held onto him even if she wanted to. She was too distracted to hear the door opening, but Jake did. He stilled on top of her and somehow she registered the need to cover her ears with her hands just a split second before he let out a series of very loud, sharp, angry barks. She shut her eyes and turned away from the door, blushing profusely and really not wanting to know who had just seen them. Playing topless with a wolf was really strange behavior for a human… but she wasn’t human, and neither were they, so maybe it was perfectly normal? Did werewolf couples do this often?

She certainly hoped so, it had been a lot of fun.

Tami Stevens

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