
Chapter 120


Embrose we sitting in the living room of the suite we are practically living in. We have been here almost a month now. For what was supposed to be a quick trip to investigate the prophecy child and either kill her or make her mine. I should have been home by now. It was supposed to be easy. That is what I thought. Nothing about this trip and the prophecy child has been easy. Like right now I’m need to pay attention to my witches but my mind keeps wondering towards Lexi. What is she doing? Who is she with? Is she alright? Hurt? I could have sworn I felt her earlier. Like the time I felt her heat. But this time I felt anger and pain.

Then it changed I felt fear and rage. The rage was soon replaced with concern and worry. Her emotions were all over the place. I wanted to go to her and comfort her. To help her. I have never cared about anyone’s feeling before. Only mine. And the only feelings I do care about is Lexi. Everyone else can go fuck themselves. My feelings towards
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