
Chapter 5


I had another odd dream last night. I don’t remember much of it. There was howling, fangs, claws, red eyes and yellow eyes. I could feel the claws scrape down my arm. I was terrified. Then suddenly I saw that goofy wolf from earlier today and Aiden’s ice blue eyes and a chocolate wolf and I wasn’t afraid anymore. I felt safe. Then my left shoulder started to  burn right at my birthmark. It hurt but not bad. All of the sudden it stopped and was replaced with a soothing voice. “ Follow your destiny. Find out who you are. We are all here to guide you. Trust in yourself. Trust in your guardians. Trust in your mates.”  It was a calming woman’s voice. I felt a sense of peace wash over me and it chased away the horrors of before. When I woke up I was so confused. What did the voice mean? 

What guardians? What the hell are mates? And who are we? I swear I’m losing my mind. It is just a dream. That is all. I must be over doing it with school and work. It is causing my mind to play tricks on me. I don’t have time to dwell on it. I have to get my butt moving for school.

I get up and jump in the shower, letting the water wash away the last of the dream. I jump out, dry off and quickly get dressed. I’m going with a tee-shirt and jeans since there are just three classes today. And I have my new jacket to keep me warm. I ran downstairs and hit the button turning on my coffee pot. I grab my travel mug from the cabinet before I go get my books together. After making sure I have at least three pens and two mechanical pencils I load everything in my backpack. I always either lose my pens, run out of ink or I break regular pencils all the time. So I have learned to carry back ups. And back ups for my back ups.

By the time I have everything ready to go my coffee is ready. I fill my mug to the top before adding a little sugar and Irish cream creamer. I take a big sip before securing the lid on. I place the cup on the table by the door so I can get on my coat and grab my things. After making sure my door is locked I head to my truck. I sit there letting it warm up while I pick a radio station and turn it up. I’m lucky I was able to find a country station up here but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Country isn’t just a southern thing. I head out and make the forty minute drive to school. I enjoy the drive checking out the scenery. I have seen it many times before but this will be the first time seeing it covered in snow. 

With the snow it changes the way you see it. It looks clean and shiny. About half way I see the lodge that not long ago was empty is now full of life. There is a warm glow in the windows. The once dormant ski lift is now active with people eager to try the slopes and trails. There are ice crystals hanging off the rocks of the mountain reflecting the sun making them look like gems. I’m caught up in the beauty. I didn't notice I was pulling into the school parking lot. I pull around to the science building and find a spot.

I luck out and find a spot in the second row in front of the building. I grab my things before getting out, locking my truck and hurrying inside. I step into the classroom and see Professor Standish sitting at his desk in the corner organizing his papers.  I look around for a seat and find the perfect one in the middle of the rows. Not so high that I have a hard time hearing the professor. Not that has ever been a problem for me. And not low enough to where I have to strain my neck to see the board. 

And it is easy to blend in and just focus on my work. I don’t like being called on if I can avoid it. I don’t like being the center of attention. People tend to notice my eyes when that happens and I can’t stand it. The professor called the class to attention. I diligently take notes and immerse myself in the lesson. This is my favorite class. We are covering the variety of local wildlife today. I hold in a chuckle thinking of the wolf from yesterday. I’m getting acquainted with at least one form of local wildlife. Fifteen minutes until the end of class the  professor passes out  an assignment sheet. 

I look it over and see it has two parts. It's the second part that has my attention. We have to work with a partner. As if sensing my frustration Professor Standish says “ That’s right. For the second part you need a partner. It counts as half of both of your grades for the semester. You will have one month from today to complete both parts.” He walks back and forth in front of us. “ And no you can’t do it on your own. I expect teamwork.” he says. Are you fucking kidding me? I don’t know anyone here. I haven’t worked with anyone since junior year of high school.  I look around and see almost the whole class is paired up already. Damn what am I going to do?

Maybe I could fake a partner. I’m lost in my head trying to figure out how to get out of this partner business when the end of class is called. I gather my things when the professor calls me. “ Lexi, could I have a word with you?” Shit, what now. I make my way through the student filling out, to his desk. When I get there Standish looks up “ Lexi, you understand that you have to have a partner, right?” It is like he knows what I was thinking. Creepy. 

“ You are one of my best students. I’m sure one of your classmates would be happy to work with someone as bright as you.” he says. Is he joking? My classmates don’t even speak to me. And why is he making a point to tell me this? “ You have a few days to try and find a partner on your own. If after that you can’t find one, come to me and I will see what I can do to help.” he says. Great. There is no way out of this.

I’m getting upset about being called out like that and I know my eyes will change so I quickly say “ Yes, sir.” and put my head down so he doesn’t see my eyes. I rush out of the classroom. I’m focused on the floor until I can calm down and end up running into someone full force dropping my books. A wall of muscle at that. I hear an “ Ah.” Damn I hope I didn’t hurt the person. I wasn’t holding myself back like I normally do. I bend down to get my things and mutter “ I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”

The guy I ran into drops down and helps me pick up my books. “ It’s not a problem, Lexi?” I stand up quickly when I hear my name. Standing before me is a man about six foot tall with chocolate shoulder length brown hair and piercing dark brown eyes. He feels familiar but I can’t place it. I get a similar feeling from him that I did from Aiden. Not attraction but safety. “ It is Lexi, right?” he asks. “ Yes. I’m sorry, have we met?” I asked. I notice he is rubbing his shoulder. That must have been where I hit him. Damn I need to be more careful. He smiles “ Not officially. I’m Jesse, a good friend of Aiden. We met at the diner the other day.” 

He looks over my shoulder for a brief second then back at me. He holds his hand out and I shake it. A sense of calm flows over me and I know my eyes go back to normal. What the hell? “ Yes, I remember. Hi.” I said trying to get my mind off the feeling he was giving me. “ Hi.” he says “ Can I walk you out?” Jesse asks. I shake my head. “ Thanks but I have another class.” I replied. “ How about I walk you to your next class?” Jesse asks. Ok, that is weird. Noone ever offers to walk me to class. “ That’s not necessary. But thank you.” I said and turned away. 

Jesse calls out my name and I stop. He is beside me in an instant. He looks nervous for some reason. “ Listen, I was wondering if you had a partner for the assignment?” he asks. Wait, we are in the same class. I haven’t noticed him before. Then I think Standish must have put him up to this but they weren’t near each other so that’s not possible.” No, not yet.” I answer. Jesse smiles. I hate to admit it but he looks handsome when he smiles. “ Great. Would you be interested in working with me?” he asks. “ I promise to do my part.” he adds like he is  trying to convince me. 

“ Sure, that would be fine.” I said. “ I don’t have time to talk right now but here.” I quickly write my number on a piece of paper and hand it to him. “ Call me and we can discuss a time to meet so we can go over everything.” I said. “ Good. Great. I’ll call soon.” He says and I take off. Well, that is one less thing to worry about. Worse case is I will do all the work and Jesse can put his name on it. I don’t have a problem with that. I have done it before.

My next class I could hardly focus. My mind kept drifting all over the place. My dream. The voice. The Aiden acts like he can’t stand me. Then the way Jesse was able to calm me down. It wasn’t like the class was boring. Don’t get me wrong, ecology isn’t the most stimulating but the professor makes it worse. Professor Langley is the most boring teacher I have ever met. She speaks in this monotone voice that would put anyone to sleep. Thankfully it is my last class of the day. I was thrilled when she announced the end of class. When I get outside and take a deep breath of the icy air, I feel better. 

I found my truck in the now very crowded parking lot. I stop and look around when I get the feeling that I am being watched. But I don’t see anyone. Another weird. On the way home I keep my window half down and the music up. The cool air feels good on my skin. It helps to clear my head as well. The last thing I want to think about is school, Jesse’s odd nervous behavior, or my disturbing dreams.

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