
Chapter 8 Private Punishment

The bodyguard obeyed without question, taking up his position alongside three others.

The narrow hallway now stood as a blockade, with Alessia trapped within its confines.

Alessia’s heart pounded in her chest.

Her escape route had been cut off, leaving her feeling vulnerable and cornered.

She couldn’t deny the flicker of trepidation that danced in her eyes as she faced Logan’s scowl.

Her breath hitched in her throat as Logan forcefully closed the distance between them, his hands holding her in place.

The aggression in his actions sent shivers down her spine, her body responding with a mix of fear and a raw, undeniable attraction.

Alessia’s eyes widened as his lips crashed against hers once more, this time with an intensity that left no room for escape.

Her mind raced, her thoughts tangled in a chaotic web of desire and confusion.

Logan’s eyes closed as he deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring her mouth with an almost possessive hunger.

Alessia’s eyes remained wide open, capturing every detail—the way his long eyelashes brushed against his cheeks, the way his features softened in the heat of the moment.

As their lips moved in sync, a maelstrom of emotions crashed within Alessia.

The anger that had fuelled her earlier was now entangled with the intoxicating rush of desire.

Her body responded to his touch, her heart betraying her mind’s attempts to resist.

A long, intense moment passed before Logan reluctantly pulled back, breaking the intoxicating connection between him and Alessia.

She was left feeling light-headed, her senses overwhelmed by the electrifying intensity of their kiss.

Her eyes remained open but unseeing, her lips parted as she struggled to catch her breath.

Logan observed her with a calculated detachment, his eyes tracing the contours of her flushed face.

With a hint of sarcasm, he broke the silence, his voice cutting through the air like a knife.

‘Did you enjoy that?’ he asked, his tone laced with a critical edge.

Alessia’s alcohol-addled brain took a moment to process the question, her eyes gradually regaining focus.

But her reaction remained slow, her thoughts muddled by the lingering haze of desire and confusion.

Before she could formulate a response, Logan continued, his voice dripping with disdain. ‘The kiss was passable, I suppose.’

His critical tone snapped Alessia back to reality, her face reddening once again.

This time, the flush spread to her earlobes, a visible sign of her embarrassment and frustration.

Summoning her courage, Alessia attempted to accuse him of taking advantage of her vulnerable state.

But her words were swiftly interrupted by Logan, his voice cutting through the air like a blade.

‘You deserved the punishment,’ he declared, his eyes locked onto hers with an unwavering intensity.

Alessia’s fiery spirit ignited within her, her frustration fuelling her retort.

‘Punishment? I thought you were talking about monetary compensation or a retraction of the article,’ she argued, her voice laced with defiance. ‘I didn’t sign up for being kissed by you.’

Logan snorted, his expression filled with cold arrogance.

‘It’s my right to decide the method of punishment, not yours,’ he asserted, his voice devoid of any remorse or empathy. ‘You need to learn that actions have consequences, woman.’

Alessia’s anger surged, her words laced with venom. ‘You think you can control and manipulate people as you please,’ she spat, her voice dripping with disdain. ‘Well, guess what? I won’t be your pawn. I won’t let you treat me like this.’

With a surge of defiance, Alessia shoved Logan aside and stumbled away, her steps unsteady from both the alcohol and the tumultuous emotions that swirled within her.

This time, Logan made no move to stop her.

He watched as she distanced herself, a dark, inscrutable look in his eyes.

But as Alessia passed him, Logan’s voice reached her ears in a low, whispering tone. ‘This is just the beginning, Alessia Jansen,’ he murmured, the words laden with a promise that sent a shiver down her spine.

Alessia stumbled her way into the ladies’ room, her mind in a whirlwind of confusion and conflicting emotions.

Her knees felt weak, though she couldn’t discern whether it was from the intensity of the kiss or the lingering effects of the alcohol that still coursed through her veins.

She leaned against the sink and stared at her reflection in the mirror, her breath ragged.

Her lips, swollen and tingling, bore the evidence of their passionate encounter.

They appeared as if they had been stung by bees, marked by the imprint of their connection.

Alessia couldn’t help but recall the feeling of Logan’s lips against hers, the intensity that had left her reeling.

Logan had called her by name.

He knew who she was.

The realisation struck her like a lightning bolt.

It meant that he must have done his research, confirming her identity as a reporter at BuzzBeat.

And undoubtedly, he was furious about the photos she had taken.

His so-called punishment had left an indelible impression on her, and from the look in his eyes, it was clear that he wasn’t finished with her yet.

Alessia was at a loss for what to do, unsure of how to navigate the treacherous path that lay ahead.

After waiting for what felt like an eternity, Alessia cautiously poked her head out of the restroom door, scanning the hallway for any sign of Logan and his intimidating bodyguards.

To her relief, they were nowhere to be seen.

Gathering her courage, she emerged from the restroom and began making her way back to the karaoke room.

But her relief was short-lived.

The moment she pushed open the door, suffocating silence greeted her like a heavy blanket.

The jovial atmosphere had dissipated, replaced by a tense stillness.

Every gaze in the room was fixed on a single figure standing at the centre.

It was Logan Wilde.

Alessia’s heart leapt into her throat, her pulse racing.

She tried to ignore the tremor that coursed through her body as she stepped forward, uncertainty and trepidation etched across her face.

Logan’s presence was a magnet, drawing all eyes toward him.

His demeanour was commanding, his expression inscrutable as he locked his gaze onto Alessia.

The weight of his stare made her feel vulnerable, exposed.

She could almost taste the tension in the air, an electric charge that sent a shiver down her spine.

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