


He looked surprised. His informant must have left vital information out from his report.

"You're better?" He said.

I put my hands together "Why shouldn't I be pray tell?" I asked him.

"Well, you were in surgery." He said nervously.

"Yes I was, weeks ago. What are you doing here Chike? Did you not get any news about me so you had to come here to check if I was dead or alive? Because the surprise on your face says a lot?" I asked him.

It was getting tiring the way he always came to harass Ama. I had heard how he had come before when I went to see my Parents.

"I'm not surprised. You're not easy to get rid of. I know that now so," he said. There was no confidence in his voice which meant he knew he had been caught.

"Anyways. I do not care what you came here to do. Just leave. They won't let you up anyway," I said,

"Why?" He said with a frown,

I just smirked and walked up the stairs.



I had woken up alone. It wasn't surprising because I had been sleeping for a while. Ma
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