
I found you

I walked in the basement corridors, accompanied by Leo. He followed me, wanted to know what I was up to. He would also be useful to me, because of the people I met in this hospital, he seemed the healthiest, with the most mental stability. He didn't have any serious mental disorder, unlike many, he was here because he was homosexual, because his family didn't accept him the way he was.

I went straight to Sasha's room, I needed to see her and talk to her. Find out how she was. I arrive in the room and look at her through the door, she is sitting with the carnations.

“ Did you get the card?

“ Yes.

“ He is sure? Don't you want me to come in with you?

“ No.

I use Cíntia's card to open the door, as I suspected, the door opens, Mike is outside waiting for me.

I walked carefully, so as not to scare her as she was concentrating on the blackheads.

“ Sasha....

She looks at me, but then ignores me and continues playing with the blackheads. I move closer and call her again.

“ It is me!

She stops
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