
chapter 74

Days turned into weeks as Sorin and Adeline settled into a delicate routine at the Zavaris estate. Despite the initial tensions, their interactions grew more comfortable, marked by moments of shared laughter and quiet understanding. Adeline found herself marveling at Sorin's dedication to Zavaris Enterprises, his days consumed by meetings, strategic planning sessions, and numerous phone calls that stretched late into the night.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and cast a warm glow over the estate, Adeline found Sorin in his study, poring over a stack of documents. She knocked lightly on the door frame, hesitating for a moment before stepping inside.

"Sorin," she began softly, her voice breaking the silence that enveloped the room.

Sorin glanced up, a faint smile gracing his features at the sight of Adeline. "Adeline," he greeted warmly, setting aside the documents. "Come in."

Adeline entered the study, her gaze sweeping over the meticulously organized shelves and the f
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