
Chapter 52

Chapter 52.

Elizabeth had a celebratory dinner with her father, he was extremely pleased with her. Mr Chase discussed the next step with her and they drafted out their next plans.

"There will be a press conference tomorrow Elizabeth, we have to announce this new partnership with Gold's company and you will announce the news of our auction" Mr Chase proposed.

"Father, two weeks is such a short time, are we going to meet up with the designs?" Elizabeth inquired.

"Yes dear, I already have everything sorted out for now you must play your cards properly" Mr Chase answered.

"Okay dad, I should get going now" Elizabeth said.

"Dear, one more thing, keep away the most important details from Greg" Mr Chase stated.

"Why father?" Beth asked puzzled.

"Do as I say Beth, you will understand later on" Mr Chase replied. Elizabeth hugged her father as she left the house.

When she got home, Greg tried to inquire about how her day went but she just gave him a neutral response.

She told him Alex agreed
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