

As the morning sun filtered through the window, casting a warm glow over the room, Ashley stirred from her slumber, her movements slow and languid as she stretched beneath the covers. With a soft yawn escaping her lips, she blinked her eyes open, adjusting to the gentle light that flooded the room.

As her vision cleared, Ashley’s gaze fell upon Thorian, his form nestled beside her in peaceful repose. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she watched him sleep, his features softened by the morning light.

But as she shifted beneath the blanket, the realization of their nakedness washed over her, sending a flush of warmth to her cheeks. Hastily pulling the covers closer to her body, she glanced down, a blush staining her cheeks as she took in the intimate scene.

Gently tapping Thorian’s shoulder, she whispered his name, her voice soft and barely audible amidst the quiet of the morning.

“Yes, darling,” Thorian groaned in response, his arms instinctively tightening around her as he
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