

Lucy was on the verge of breaking out in tears. '' I did nothing here. Please believe me, I didn't steal the money or anything. Why would I steal the money? What will I be doing with it? I would never steal money from the company. I could never do something like this.'' she kept yelling. 

Julia stepped in between them. '' You need a motive? Then...what about your dad? Didn't he had the operation done yesterday? Heart surgery requires money. Who gave you a large amount of money? I know better than anyone that Grandpa didn't give you one. Then who gave it?''. 

'' Yeah, you needed money, that's why you stole it accept it. You needed it to save your dad accept it,'' Olivia retorted. '' No, I didn't I didn't take the money. I didn't...'' Lucy kept pleading. 

'' Do you have any proof against her?'' Nick asked. 

Gray nods. '' We do have,'' he turns to Kevin. '' When was the money withdrawn yesterday?''. 

Kevin checked the files in

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