
5: Early morning passions


 Normally I am not really a morning person, but honestly I woke up after some weird ass dreams about Hadley that I can’t really shake and Luna was whimpering to get out, so now I am finding myself on my back porch letting her out on the grass shortly before 7 am as the sky is growing red in the east.

 “Go on out girl”. I slide open the porch door, shivering slightly from the cold wind ... but well cooling down a bit is what I need, some of those dreams were ... lets just say pretty R-rated.

 Luna runs out on the grass, but turns to look at me, making a whimpering sound, making me shake my head. “No girl, daddy is staying here ... run along and do your thing”.

 She makes a sound and I swear she is calling me a wanker making me chuckle. I look towards the tents, she is in there, right there, in her bed wearing ... stop Logan ... fuck why am I so attracted to her ? I mean she is pretty ... beautiful even and those legs ... stop it ... what I mean is that I meet a lot of stunning women, what makes her special ? Besides her being way too young for me to think about like that ... am I like having a midlife crisis or something ? Ahh I am not that old.

 I try to force myself not to think that word … mate … my mate. But I do not want a mate, definitely not a teenager.

 We spent last night ... all of us of course ... talking and listening to music, and I had realised that Hadley is not only a sweet girl, but also smart and very mature for her age.

 I sigh and am about to call for Luna to come in, as it is getting kinda cold standing here, but then my dog runs over to the swinging couch that is hanging from the three in the corner of the back yard and I realise someone is sitting there.

 “Hadley ?” Of course it’s Hadley, wrapped up in a duvet, her eyes red like she has been crying. “Are you okay darling ?”

 She looks up, her hand scratching Luna behind the ear, making her tongue loll out the side of her mouth. She shakes her head slightly. “Couldn’t sleep ... so I came out here, it’s nice ... quiet”.

 “It is ... I love it here”. I sit down on the other end of the couch. “It helps me keep centered and calm but ... what are you stressed out about ?”

 She sighs, pulling her knees tighter to her chest as Luna runs off to explore. She looks so small and fragile. “It’s just ... I just came off a tour, and now I have to go somewhere busy and stress filled to do a music video that's not ... what I really want to do.. after that I am back in the studio”.

 “Sounds like you need some down time ... a holiday”. I reach out to rub her shoulder. I feel for her and at her age it must be even worse. “Is there any way to take a break ?”

 She shakes her head and I can see she is fighting tears. “No ... Ryan, Well he makes all the decisions and I have to fulfill my contract”.

 “Aww sweetie ... I feel you, believe me”. I feel this deep need to protect her ... to care for her and make her better, she looks so distraught and my wolf is pacing in my head, our mate can’t be allowed to be hurt.


 I look at the sun rising, I am not lying I couldn’t sleep ... but most of all I couldn’t stand Ryan’s arm around me. “Thanks, it really is beautiful here ... even the sunrise looks special ... I wish I could just stay”.

 “It is spectacular, gets me every time”. He gives me a small smile. “So you are doing a music video ? What kind ?”

 “Same as always ... some swanky place and me pretending to be some innocent … blow up doll”. Something hits me. “We should make it here, out in nature instead”.

 He looks thoughtful for a moment. “Well then do it. You are welcome to stay and shoot the video, no charge of course .... as long as you get the crew and pay and feed them ... you can borrow the tents and land for free”.

 “Really ... wow ... Thank you”. I feel the idea bloom inside my head, it would also let me stay here ... close to Logan and honestly I am not ready to leave. “I just need Ryan to say yes”.

 “Oh just use that charm, send him a pretty smile and those puppy eyes ... Who can say no to that ?” He gives me a small smile.

 We sit for a moment, just watching the sunrise, then I notice him rubbing his arm like he is cold. “Are you cold Logan ?”

 “Oh a bit honestly. Maybe I should get inside”. He looks about to get up.

 “Or we can share this”. I hold out my duvet, taking a chance. I mean I know he thinks he is too old for me, but I have never met a man like him ... just imagine how much better my life would be as his instead of being Ryan’s toy. “It’s nice and toasty here”.

 He bites his lip, looking uncertain, him being such a gentleman only makes me want him more to be honest. “Uhm maybe it’s not a good idea Hadley”.

 “I promise to be ... a good girl”. I wave the duvet slightly and move closer and he let me fold it around him, snuggling into him. He is a bit cold, wearing just sweats and a tee.

 He slips an arm around me, it seems more protective than anything else though. His voice a soft mumble. “You are rather warm”.

 “Told you ... this is nice”. I snuggle into his chest.

 We sit there watching the sun rise, colouring the sky pink and yellow. And I am contemplating how to ... Well make him forget the age thing and want me too. He could take me away from Ryan. I mean he is a good guy and so big and strong, with him protecting me Ryan wouldn’t dare touch me any longer. I know it sounds like I am just changing one man for another ... but I never wanted Ryan. I was never attracted to him. I do want Logan like nothing else I ever wanted.

 I slip my hand up on his stomach, feeling him tense and those abs flex ... oh damn he is so freaking sexy I can’t even. But I just keep it there until he relaxes, actually he seems to be nodding off a bit, and I am thinking this might be my chance, if I can make him feel good he surely will want me.

 “Let me be really nice to you Logan ... you won’t regretit”. I whisper softly, as I lean into him, my lips leaving small kisses along his jaw as my hand slips under the waistband of his sweats.

 Oh hello, I am hardly past the waistband before making first contact ... okay so snuggling up with me has had an ... uplifting effect on him. He mumbles and moves a bit. My hand closing around his erection, making me let out a small gasp ... wow ... okay that’s ... he is like big, very big.

 I start moving my hand, he is so hard, but the skin against my palm is soft, the feeling and idea makes me excited. He kinda jerks awake. “Fuck ... Hadley stop ... don’t”.

 “Why not ? Don’t you like it ?” I purr. I mean the hardness in my hands and his gasping breaths tell me it definitely doesn't feel bad.

 He grabs my wrist with a desperate look in his eyes. “Stop ... right now ... just stop”.

 I let go, pulling away. Okay I kinda feel really awkward and bad right now. “Sorry ... I just thought ...”.

 “You thought what ? That it’s okay to ... touch me like that when I told you no already ? That men are mindless sex addicts you can control through their dick”. He is on his feet and if he hadn’t looked so angry and outraged it might have looked funny with the obvious erection.

 I feel the tears well up and my throat close up. “Sorry ... I ... I just ... I will go stay in the tent till we can leave ... sorry”.

 Bravo Hadley, you fucked up everything, you managed to make him feel molested ... not good and now he hates you. You are going to be Ryan’s fuck toy until he grows tired of you and find someone younger.

 “Hadley !?” Logan stops me when I am about to run back to the tent. “I am not angry with you ... but ... that wasn’t okay sweetie, do you understand that ?”

 I nod looking down at my feet. “Yeah ... sorry. I just ... I like you and you have been so nice to me ... I wanted to ...”.

 He holds up a hand. “You don’t owe me anything and most definitely not ... anything like that. You are worth so much more darling, never think your body is worth so little”.

 “Thanks Logan, you really are the nicest person I have ever met”. I give him a small smile. “I will go back to the tent and get ready to leave, thanks for not being angry with me”.

 “You don’t have to leave. You can still do the video here if you want, actually I would love it if you do”. He gives me a warm smile that makes butterflies do a conga line in my stomach.

 I try not to sound too happy. “Are you sure ? Oh thank you so much”.

 “It’s fine ...”. I kinda cut him off with a big hug.

 “Oh sorry ... no touching without permission”. I quickly let go.

 He holds out his arms. “You hereby have permission to hug, as much as you want to”.

 I slip into his warm arms, enjoying the feeling of him way too much, but keeping it to myself for now.

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