
Chapter thirteen



Written By: Rosapearl 

                     EPISODE THIRTEEN

Miller POV

I was delighted to spend the day with Charlotte,   she is a little bit friendly today. it was so obvious Tracey is trowing herself at me, I don't want her to feel bad so I was playing along carefully. 

We arrived at the restaurant, the last time I was here it was with my dad for business function after I complained I want a family outing.  

At the entrance of the restaurant there is a lucky box, Clara ran toward it so we followed her.

"Do you want to try your luck" Charlotte ask

"yes" she answer so quick. 

Charlotte put a coins in it, she pressed a button and it begin to shuffle. 

"I won" she screamed happily

a small teddy bear came out she picked it so happily. one could tell she was overwhelmed.

"You are a lucky girl," I said as I shuffle her hair

"You can say that again" she blushed. 

we finally enter the restaurant, Jeffery sat down beside Olivia, I could sense that Jeffery has something for Olivia. 

The waitress brought the menu and everyone order, we all ate silently as if. 

I was so happy am able to buy Charlotte a meal even thou I buy for the whole group. 

"Did you want so more?" I said facing Charlotte

"Yes" Olivia replied

"Am not taking to you" I smirk

"really, but is a general question last I checked and who are you talking to" she frown

"Charlotte" I smirk

"ohhhhhhhhhh, love in the air" Olivia tease back and I notice a confuse look on everyone face, except Clara and Olivia

"I want to over feed her as a way of saying thank you for sparing some time to tutor me" I smirk

"you don't have to be me a extra meal, not that I wish to take you but you are pestering and I need some peace" she smirk back

"But at least I will finally have a good tutor compare to this asshole" I said pointing at Olivia

"Jerk, don't come to me when your tutor finally turn you down, only me can handle you, am very sure she will get tired of you very soon" she smirk

"I won't stress her I want to learn for real this time, eat up my teacher" I pawn and olivia sneer. 


"Should we have a group hang out next week, I think am in love with this group" I said grinning 

"yes, nice idea" Tracey said eagerly. 

"I can't make it, I will be studying" Charlotte replied coldly. 

"Just a pool hangout or any other thing you may suggest, we won't spend forever" I pawn

"I won't be available on Saturday, I have somewhere to go" Jeffrey said in a calm tone

"Where are you going to?" Olivia asked 

"Jeffery have a part time job he go to on Saturday," Clara let out

"part time job?" I asked 

"I will be available on Sunday" he snapped back

I notice he did not want to talk about it, I dropped the topic

"I will be there if is on Sunday" Charlotte let out

"good, since we all agree to meet on sunday, where should we go" I grin

"Museum" Clara said excited 

"I agree with that" Charlotte snap back

"Who else is in for a museum" everyone raise their hand, we agree to meet at the school park so we could move together. 

Charlotte POV

I was so delighted Clara was cool with me, I could get to Jeffery through Clara. 

I did not want to attend the hang out because I hate familiarity, even thou today was fun, but when Jeffrey said he was coming I know is another opportunity to get close to Jeffery. 

He work part time? what about his parent? why did he need to work? different question kept pumping into my head. Is obvious he did not want to talk about it.

I sat on my bed thinking about Jeffery, 

"Am getting distracted" I whispered to myself

"Maybe I should make the first move and stop this absurdity" 

"I will make my first move doing lunch on Monday," 

Olivia POV

I gist my mum about today project as she cook,  she love listen to me even thou she will still use it against me later. 

"I wish Clara is my kid sister" 

"You can treat her like one" she muttered 

"Mum, why do a teen need to work part time?" I puzzled 

"Who is working again?" she said eagerly 

"No one, am just asking" I snap back

"Hum, are you planning on working?" she asked

"No mum" I yelled a little

"Okay, fine all fingers are not equal, some teen need to work to help their family balance up due to financial issue, while some have to work to finance themselves maybe their is no guidance" she muttered 

"could it be that they have some financial issue" I whispered to myself but unlucky me I was loud enough for my mum to have heard me. Another interrogation 

"Are you hiding something from me, who did you think they are having financial issue" she let out

"nobody, I the ongoing story am reading online" I lied

"really, but you don't sound like you ask because of a story in a book" she caught me

"Mum" I snapped

"yes, it sound like is someone you care about, or is it your suppose boyfriend," she tease.

here we go again, she kept on bringing him to every of our conversation, I dare not tell her is Jeffery, that will complicate the whole issue

"No mum, Jeffery is fine," I smirk

"Remember the rule no secret" she smirk back

"Is not my secret so I can keep it" I smirk

"Really, you just prove is not a book so let out" she fired back

"I need to take a shower before they come" I said as I rush out.

I quickly rush to my room to avoid further questioning, my family are something for real.

"is Jeffery family really having financial issue, poor boy" I thought.

"How is he coping, joining part time work with studying, I wish I can help out thou"

to be continued

this is getting interesting, 

how will Olivia feel if he find out that they lack parental care? watch out it my next episode.  

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