

I didn't now where everyone had dispersed to and I didn't care enough to look. I went through the destroyed living room to the kitchen and pulled out the drawers.

I had seen two long rusted looking swords kept there the first day I had gone through. I didn't know who they belonged to and what they were doing here and I didn't care, I just wanted to get in some action

I pulled them out and turned around, my gaze clashing with the old woman's as she cowered behind the door.

"Leave and hide, immediately" I ordered.

She shrieked and quickly turned around, disappearing into the house. I went the opposite direction back to the living room. I stopped the moment I heard crashes in one of the other rooms, they had probably gotten in and were already engaged in fights with the team somewhere in the house.

I walked through the broken wall and furniture outside where I could see their huge truck waiting. I didn't think as I ran towards it, Alpha mode on.

My attacks were swift and precise, I had
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