

The world became an exciting place and for the first time I was actually looking forward to something. I was in a good place and I liked where I was, nothing fazed me and I didn't care about the little things that worried me before.

I was way beyond all that now. And it was all because was experiencing my first love, yes. Love.

Although I was verry happy was still very sceptical. Everyday I spent with him was a gift, and I tried to savor as much of it as I could.

I knew I could wake up one day and realized that I was in hell and all the things that had happened to me was a far away dream. So I would savor everyday as it came, everyday.

We had fully resumed classes and things were even more intense. Classes were harsh and trainings were harsher. They were taking everything out of us and then some.

This season seemed to be the most taxing we were ever going to experience. My brain had to work extra hard to be able to keep up with the very intense classes and training we were doing th
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