
Chapter 3

“No what Father gibe me,” Lilly shook her head and Jasmine turned to look at her confused.

“What did your father try to give you Lilly?” Jasmine asked trying to remain calm.

“Slimy peabut bubber,” Lilly shook her head and Jasmine softly gasped.

“Lilly, you didn’t eat it did you Baby Girl?” She asked kneeling down in front of her daughter. “Lilly, did you eat the peanut butter?”

“No Mommy,” Iris shook her head and Jasmine’s smile lit up the room. Daemon and Lucian looked at each other intrigued. “I memer you say no eat peabut bubber. I no eat it. Father got mad me Mommy.”

“I’m sorry Lilly, but I think he forgot you are allergic,” Jasmine kissed Lilly’s hands. “I’m so glad you remembered and didn’t eat it Baby Girl, you know what? I think this calls for ice cream for being such a big girl and remembering such an important thing. Will you go potty and wash your hands and I’ll go ask my friends to borrow their car since Mommy’s is being silly, please?”

“Otay Mommy,” Lilly beamed and rushed to Jasmine’s room.

Jasmine took a deep breath and ran her fingers through her hair before sighing. “Call Asher and go get her car seat, Lucian,” Daemon said as he tried to reign in his anger.

Just then Jasmine’s phone lit up. She grabbed it and frowned at something. She did something then gasped, “Daemon,” She started shaking and Daemon rushed to her side. He took the phone from her shaking hands and growled.

“Go get her seat NOW Lucian, we’re taking them to our place,” Daemon fumed as he looked down at the picture of all Daemon, Lucian, Lilly, Jasmine, and Mason standing outside talking with the text beneath it, I will have you and Lilly as soon as I get rid of the ex and the new guys. You, me, and her will be together forever soon.

“Asher is coming with her car seat,” Lucian said as he hung up his phone. “The car is at the shop so he will be here soon.”

“All done Mommy,” Lilly said coming into the room.

“That’s great Sweetie,” Jasmine smiled as she knelt down and hugged her daughter tightly. “Let me introduce you to my friends, this is Daemon and Lucian. This is my four-year-old daughter, Lilly.”

“Nice to meet you,” they said in unison.

Just then there was a knock on the door. “Stay here,” Daemon said, and Jasmine nodded. A couple of minutes later he came back, “This is our friend, Asher.”

“Hi,” Jasmine said softly as her daughter moved closer to her seeing the six foot something tall man with dark brown eyes and black hair in a military cut.

“Mommy, hungee,” Lilly said pulling on Jasmine’s shirt.

“I know it’s super late but how about we go see if someplace has chicken nuggets?” Daemon asked making Lilly smile brightly.

“We just need to make sure wherever we go doesn’t use peanut oil,” Jasmine said, and Daemon nodded in understanding.

“What if we just make our own?” Asher asked. “A lot of fast-food places don’t really pay attention to that kind of stuff. I’m sure Raze is home by now, he could go ahead and get started on them so some could be ready for her by the time we get there.”

“Hey Sweetie,” Jasmine knelt down in front of Lilly, “How about we go to Mommy’s friend’s house tonight and make our own chicken nuggets and have ice cream also for being such a big girl? Will that be okay with you?”

“French fries?” Lilly asked and Daemon nodded.

“Yes, we can make our own French fries also,” He smiled softly.

“Gumby Bear Pichu come too?” Lilly asked and Jasmine nodded.

“Yes, Grumpy Bear and Pikachu can come with us, will you go grab them while Mommy gets some clothes ready for us to stay the night?”

“Yay, otay Mommy,” She took off to her room and Jasmine stood then turned to Daemon.

“I’m sorry Daemon,” she said wiping her hands on her jeans.

“For what?” He asked confused.

“All this,” she waved her hands around. “All this drama. All my problems, I promise I will figure something out and it won’t affect my work schedule.”

“I already said don’t worry about it,” Daemon said watching her closely. “Now it’s already three in the morning, go get your stuff together so we can get the both of you fed and into bed. It’s super late and I’m sure the both of you are tired.”

“Yes Sir,” she said automatically and headed to her room missing the smirk on all three of the men’s faces and glints in their eyes.

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