
Chapter 2

“What?” She asked as she came out of the bathroom and walked over to where he was standing. “Oh that,” She smiled sadly. “My childhood best friend gave me that. He wore a matching one that he made. He was very talented.”

“Do you still talk to him?” he asked curiously.

“No,” She spoke sadly. “We were best friends from the time I was seven to like fourteen, I think. Then one night he and his mom were just gone. I never found out what happened, but I do think about him constantly.” She sighed sadly, “He helped me through some very dark times in my life. My parents weren’t the best, but he helped me through so much that I don’t know if I would be here if I didn’t have him in my life.”

“Hey what’s going on in here?” Lucian asked coming over.

“She was telling me about her childhood best friend that made and gave her this,” Daemon said pointing to the bracelet. “But the friend and his mom disappeared from her life one night.”

Lucian forced back a gasp when he saw it. “What was his name?”

She shrugged and chuckled, “That’s the thing, I don’t remember,” She admitted. “He told me one time but then he kept telling me my eyes were going to cause me so much trouble when I got older.  I would call him Angel, because he was like my guardian angel, and he named me Trouble. We just called each other that, I can’t even give you a clue to what his name is although I wish I knew what it was so I could try and find him again.”

“Well maybe one day you will find him,” Lucian smiled softly. “I bet he would be touched that you still have that gift from him.”

She scoffed, “I doubt he would recognize it or remember me but it’s sweet to think about it.” She looked out the window and sighed, “It’s just better to stay with my memories and imagination. I couldn’t handle that kind of rejection.”

The doorbell rang and they looked at one another. “Stay in here,” Daemon said as he and Lucian headed to the door. “Can I help you?” He asked the man standing there glaring at him.

“Where is Jasmine?” The man asked glaring at Daemon and Lucian.

“Mason,” Jasmine said as she squeezed between the two brothers. “What are you doing here, Mason?”

“Here,” he said pulling a four-year-old out from behind him and into her legs. “Something came up so here,” he grabbed his phone and answered it. “What? Yeah, I’ll call you back.” He hung up the phone and glared at Jasmine. “I’m done with this shit, I’m done Jasmine.”

“Lilly,” Jasmine knelt down and smiled softly as she looked at her daughter, “Can you go into Mommy’s room and watch Care Bears for a little bit, please? Mommy needs to talk to your father.”

“Otay Mommy,” She smiled and turned to the two men, “twos me peas.”

“Excuse us,” Lucian smiled softly, and they moved then the moment Jasmine faced the man they stood behind her again.

“What is going on, Mason?” Jasmine asked trying to remain calm, “I thought we discussed this? I work night shift all this week. I need you to watch our daughter so I can work since you aren’t paying your child support. I need help with her, Mason.”

“I’m not giving you any more money Jasmine,” He glared as he started getting upset. “That brat cried the entire time, why should I put up with that shit?”

“She’s your daughter,” Jasmine sighed frustrated. “You scare her Mason; she doesn’t know you! You are never there for her. She has to get to know you. If I didn’t have to work so much, then it wouldn’t be a problem, but you won’t help me out financially!”

“I’m not giving you any more money Jasmine,” He fumed, “I’m not giving you money for that spoiled brat!”

“You haven’t given me anything Mason!” Jasmine glared, “Twenty bucks and diapers that aren’t even the right size doesn’t do anything!”

“God you are so selfish!” He shouted at her making her flinch, “I can’t do anything right when it comes to you! And you wonder why I fucking cheated on you, you stupid cow! Maybe if you weren’t so goddamn selfish you could keep a fucking man! You wonder why every man has cheated and left you? Because you are selfish and ungrateful. You got pissed when I cheated on you, yet here you are with two men! Well guess what slut? No matter how many men you sleep with they will eventually get tired of your shit and leave you as well. You will end up alone no matter what you do because no one wants to put up with your ungrateful ass. Here, I’m done with you,” He shoved a packet into her chest and stormed away.

Jasmine took a deep breath and blinked back tears, “I’m sorry,” She whispered as she wiped a tear and cleared her throat. “I’m sorry you had to see that. I promise it won’t affect my shifts, I’ll figure something out Daemon, I promise.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Daemon shook his head. “Are you okay?”

“I need to go check on my daughter, excuse me,” She stepped away from him and cleared her throat. She set the packet down on the table and headed to her room, “Hey my beautiful miracle, did you have fun with your father?” she asked as she sat beside her daughter on her bed.

“No,” Iris shook her head. “Sorry Mommy.”

“What are you sorry for, Baby?” She asked sitting up a little more and looked at her daughter confused.

“He mads me,” she whispered. “He yells lot.”

“I’m sorry Baby Girl,” Jasmine whispered as she kissed the top of her head. “I’m sorry I made you go with him. I really thought you two would have fun together.”

“He says I no call him Daddy, Mommy,” She pouted, and Jasmine sighed.

“I’m sorry about that Baby Girl,” She spoke softly. “He just doesn’t know what he is missing by not spending time with you. I promise he will regret it one day.”

“I find new daddy?” Lilly asked softly and Jasmine smiled softly.

“Maybe one day,” She kissed her forehead. “Hey, are you hungry Baby Girl?”

“Yeah,” Lilly smiled, and Jasmine hugged her.

“Come on, let’s see what Mommy can find,” She picked her up and carried her into the kitchen. “What would you like Lilly?”

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