
Their One and Only
Their One and Only
Author: Rose Marley

Chapter 1

“Thanks again Daemon,” Jasmine said as she wiped down the bar and grabbed her stuff. “That text just really creeped me out because I blocked his number, and he is still finding me.”

“It’s not a problem,” he said as he looked around the empty bar. “I walk all the girls to their cars and have them text me when they get home, so I know they are safe.”

“I know that but still,” she shrugged as she locked up and then sighed. “I just appreciate it.”

“Of course,” He nodded as he walked her to her car. “When are you going to bring this by my shop so I can work on it?”

“Why again are you working as a bouncer at this joint when you have your own mechanic shops with one of your three brothers or best friends? What are they to you again?” She asked as she looked in her bag for her keys.

“Gives me something to do,” he shrugged. “I like to stay busy.”

“Well, I’m glad,” she said as she unlocked her car. She tried starting it, but it wouldn’t start. “That’s strange,” She frowned, “I made sure I didn’t leave any lights on.”

“Come on, I’ll take you home,” Daemon said grabbing his phone. “I’ll have Asher come get the car. Hey what’s that?” He pointed to a sticker on the back windshield. “I thought you only had Nightmare Before Christmas stickers on your car.”

“I do,” She frowned, “What are you talking about?” She got out of the car and moved to look at where he was pointed and gasped. “That wasn’t there this morning, I didn’t put that on my car, Daemon.”

“That’s it this fucker is going to pay,” He growled as he stared at the sticker on the back of her car. It was a heart and the words inside of it said You & Me. “Are you sure that wasn’t there this morning?”

“Absolutely,” She shook her head, “I wouldn’t put something like that on my car.”

“Didn’t think so,” Daemon fumed, “It’s not like you.”

“You think?” She asked shocked he knew something like that about her.

“I know so,” He fumed as he waited for someone to pick up on the other side of the phone. “Asher, I need you to come pick up Jasmine’s car, someone has tampered with it.” He pulled the phone away slightly and she heard a bunch of talking from where she stood beside him.

“Daemon,” She spoke gently and touched his arm. He looked down at her with concern, “do you feel that?” He wrapped an arm around her and pulled her between him and her car.

“Someone’s watching and I have a pretty good idea it’s her ex that has been harassing her,” Daemon said looking around. “Alright, thanks Asher.” He hung up his phone and sighed, “Asher is coming to get your car, leave your keys in the seat, he will be here in a few moments. Come on, I’ll take you to my place, you can stay in my room, and I’ll crash with my brother so I know you will be safe.”

“No,” She shook her head. “I need to go to my place, please Daemon.”

“Then I will be staying with you at your place,” he said looking down at her. “I am NOT leaving you alone right now.”

“Hopefully the guest bed will be big enough for your tall ass,” She giggled nervously then bit her lip, “What if you get tired?”

“My brother Lucian will come by later,” Daemon shrugged. “He was up all-night last night working in his bakery, so he slept all day. He will be wide awake in a bit and will have no problem keeping an eye on your place while you get some sleep.” He opened the door and she got into his passenger seat. “Where are we going?”

She gave him her address and looked out the window nervously. After a few moments she sighed, “What’s going to happen now, Daemon? Why is he doing this?”

“Because he’s an asshole who is obsessed with you,” he sighed as he tried to control his emotions. “I’m glad you are no longer with him even though he is being a prick.”

“I’m sorry this is happening,” she said sadly as he pulled up to her house.

“Cute place Jasmine,” Daemon said looking around as they got out. A few moments later another car pulled up into the driveway, “That’s my brother Lucian. Asher is getting your car.”

“Hey Daemon and Jasmine,” Lucian smiled he got out of his car. “Guess we are having a sleepover.”

“You two don’t look related,” she said looking at the surfer model looking guy. He had blonde hair and blue eyes while Daemon had black hair and dark brown eyes. Both were muscular and she could see tattoos on both of them but other than that they seemed to be completely different.

“I’m the older one,” Lucian smirked as he playfully elbowed Daemon in the side. “We’re half.”

“Wow,” She shook her head as she unlocked her front door. “It’s not much sorry.”

“It’s nice,” Lucian said looking around. “Hey, wow you have a lot of PlayStations,” He pointed to the four video game consoles in her entertainment center.

She nodded and shrugged, “The original and second no longer work but I just can’t get rid of them. The Three is backwards compatible but it is starting to act up. The four works just fine if you don’t mind my childish games, I don’t really like those shooting games.”

“These are great,” Lucian smiled as he pulled out Spyro and Ratchet and Clank.

“You don’t have much in here,” Daemon said looking in the fridge.

“Yeah, I need to get some groceries eventually,” she yawned. “Help yourself to whatever, I’m going to try and get some sleep hopefully.”

“What do you mean?” they asked in unison confused.

“I have trouble sleeping,” She shrugged like it was no big deal. “See you in the morning. Oh, come on I’ll get you some spare toothbrushes and toothpaste,” she said after she took some pills with some water.

Daemon followed her into her room and stopped when he spotted something on her dresser.  “What’s this?” he asked as he looked down at a bracelet that was laying there.

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