

"I am Ethan Ring. Twenty-three years old, but turning 24 this year, on the 14th of February. I studied here in my 1st semester as well. That's all," Ethan said as he sat down, still not taking his eyes off of Chad, who had been grinning.

Chrystyn looked at him with her eyes asking, 'did you know about this?' but he shook his head as his response. Did Chad lie to him? Was he lied to all along? He tried to recall all of their conversations, but he was sure that Chad said he was in this department. Now, thinking about it, he did not even ask what year he was in.

Did he just jump to a conclusion? No, it's Chad's fault for not telling me, he thought.

The introduction goes on for twenty minutes. He badly wanted to ask Chad why is he standing there and acting like a professor. As Chad walked from corner to corner of the room, he noticed something shiny on his neck. It was looking expensive. It sure is because that's what he gave him durin

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