

Valeria couldn't tell if he was upset or not, he simply left without saying anything.

"It's all for his good," she muttered to herself.

"Now I'll have to look for the room Fred is in." She said.

She sighed, then she went upstairs.


Next day.....

Valeria was still sleeping when her phone began to ring. She groaned in her sleep, then she stretched her hand and took her phone from the bedside table and answered the call still with her eyes closed.


"Valeria, good morning, you and Fred didn't return yesterday." She heard Shantel's voice and that sobered her.

She hurriedly sat up.

"Shantel," she called.

"Yes, Val, it's me. What happened? You guys didn't come home yesterday."

"Err...yes Shantel, well you see, Fred wanted to stay here and you know I can't refuse him, but we'll be coming home today." Valeria said and she heard Shantel sigh from the other end.

"Okay, take care, and kiss Fred for me, I miss the little man so much already." Shantel said and Valeria smiled.

"I will,
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