
Torn Between The Alpha Twins
Torn Between The Alpha Twins
작가: Mia Evergreen

Chapter One – Maltreatment

Ella's POV

Tears welled up in my eyes as I cowered before Luna Scarlett, the cruel and sadistic wife of Alpha River. My heart pounded in my chest, fear pulsating through every fibre of my being. I fought to hold back the sobs that threatened to escape my lips. I couldn't let them see my weakness.

"You worthless Omega!" Luna Scarlett's voice sliced through the air, filled with venomous rage. "How dare you keep me waiting? Do you think your pitiful duties to that sickly Freye are more important than attending to me?"

Trembling uncontrollably, my weak and fragile body aching from the countless beatings, I mustered the courage to meet Luna Scarlett's icy gaze. "I-I'm sorry, Luna, it won't happen again," I managed to stutter, my voice barely audible. "Freye was in dire need of my help at that time. She... she is very ill and based on her condition..she might die if I left her alone." I explained stuttering.

A cruel smile curved Luna Scarlett's lips, her eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "Ill or not, you are my servant. Your purpose is to serve me and cater to my every whim. Your feeble excuses mean nothing to me." She yelled and whipped another time.

My heart sank, Luna Scarlett's words echoing in my ears. The weakness in Freye's eyes, the pleading need for care and comfort that I couldn't ignore. My compassion pulled me toward her, even if it meant angering Luna Scarlett. I can't just let her die. I can't let the poor girl die because of some insignificant and unimportant duty of the Luna. I can't forgive myself if that happens. 

The heartless Luna only cared for herself and her alpha, she had no compassion or empathy for others. She thrived on inflicting pain and humiliation upon those beneath her. And I had become her favourite target. Her and the alpha. I'm their favourite pet.

She took a step forward, and closed in on me, the whip coiled menacingly in her hand, making my entire body tensed, bracing for the agony that was about to be unleashed. I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing myself for the searing pain that would soon ravage my body.

The crack of the whip shattered the silence, and a searing agony tore through my back. A cry of pain escaped my lips, mingling with Luna Scarlett's chilling laughter that filled the room. It was a symphony of sadism, music to her ears. I couldn't get why she loves doing this. Why does she always love torturing me? 

'You're strong, don't cry. Don't you dare cry and satisfy her'.  Lea, my wolf whispered to me with her soothing voice, and I obeyed and swallowed the pain. That's what kept me going for the past thirteen years of living here. Lea comfort and few of the slaves like me. Omega Amelia and little Freya. My life here is more of serving my new alpha. The feared Alpha within all Black Creek. The devil reincarnates!

"You will learn your place, You filthy omega," she hissed, her voice dripping with venom. "No one defies me. No one disobeys me." She yelled, panting like an angry dog!

Tears streamed down my face, mixing with the blood that trickled from my wounds. The pain surged through my body, my spirit felt as if it were being crushed under the weight of Luna's cruel dominance. I knew there was no escape from this torment. I only had to withstand it as I always do. But today, I think she is in a bad mood already and is in dire need of a punching bag.

In the depths of my agony, my mind drifted off, as I longed for freedom, for a life beyond the clutches of Alpha River's grip. I wished to leave behind the endless torment, the unbearable abuse, and the constant fear that gripped my soul.

With each lash of the scar left on my body, my aim grew stronger. I silently vowed to myself that one day, no matter the cost, I would break free from the BloodMoon pack. And we're planning on doing that soon. And would finally sever the chains that bound me to this wretched existence.

My whimpering and whipping sound filled the room, a heartbreaking chorus of pain and despair. But I clung to the flicker of hope within me, nurturing it like a fragile flame. 


Minutes passed but the cruel monster didn't stop, actually she enjoyed every bit of it and was just getting a hang of it. I couldn't heal properly even with my good healing abilities, because of the simultaneous whipping. It left me weak, and miserable. The crack of the whip echoed through the air, searing my back with fiery pain. I couldn't help the tears that rushed out of my eyes, as I am about to faint. I know pretty well that even the little things make Luna into a raging beast that she is now, but still I defy her every now and then, when it is to protect and care for the weak.

Just then, I heard the sound of footsteps approaching and reverberated through the hall, causing both Luna Scarlett and me to look at the door.

It was Alpha River, he had a formidable presence in his own right, he strode into the room. His piercing gaze swept over the scene, taking in the sight of my bloodied and broken body, as well as Luna Scarlett's enraged expression. And I believe my eyes. I saw the side of his lips curve into a mischievous smirk as he studied me from head to toe. Waiting for a scene like this.

"What is going on here?" His voice was commanding, demanding an explanation.

Luna Scarlett's fury consumed her as she stepped forward, her eyes ablaze with anger. "Alpha, this worthless Omega dared to defy me," she spat, venom dripping from her words. "Can you believe, she neglected her duties to tend to a sick Omega instead of attending to me." She fumed pointing at me with the index finger.

Alpha River's gaze shifted to me, and I instinctively lowered my head, unable to meet his eyes. Fear clutched at my heart, as I waited for the inevitable punishment that awaited me.

He raised a hand, a signal for Luna Scarlett to hold her anger. "Leave us, I'll teach her the lesson she deserves" he commanded, his voice firm and final.

Luna Scarlett cast me one last disdainful look before complying, leaving me alone with Alpha River.

The door closed and Alpha River approached me, his steps deliberate and purposeful. The weight of his presence pressed upon me, intensifying the tremors that wracked my body.

I shivered with fear, hiding my naked body from him. My mind racing with a million terrifying possibilities. What is he going to do this time? Being alone with Alpha River was a nightmare in itself. His reputation for cruelty and heartlessness sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest wolves in the pack.

He circled me slowly, his eyes never leaving my quivering form. The silence between us was suffocating, broken only by the sound of my laboured breaths. I felt utterly exposed, as if he could see through me and witness the fear that consumed me.

He stopped, standing directly in front of me. His voice was low, sending shivers down my spine, it carries a tone of power that makes every hair stand on its end. "You little piece of sh**t. You think you can defy your Luna just like that and tend to some Useless being before fulfilling your duties to her?" His words were harsh and laced with a dangerous edge.

I mustered the courage to meet his gaze, my voice barely above a whisper. "A- Alpha, I apologise. But Freye needed my help. I couldn't abandon her, at at that time. Sh she is in dire need of my help."

Alpha River's lip curled into a mocking smile. "Compassion huh?" He rubs his stubble with one hand and the other one in his pocket. "A weakness that holds no place in this pack. All you need to survive is to be strong!" He yelled squatting down near me. "I see you never learn your lesson, Omega. Or I see. You enjoyed being tortured by me!" He wondered, and out a dry chuckle. "Well then I'll make sure to Torture you slowly and painfully so that you enjoy every. Little. But .Of. It. And then I think you'll be much stronger." He barked.

With a swift motion, he reached out and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look directly into his piercing icy blue eyes. The intensity of his gaze was suffocating, as if he was peering deep into my soul, dissecting my every thought and emotion.

"You only follow my orders, when I set them. And not staying there treating some sick B**tch who is better off dead," he growled, his grip tightening on my jaw. 

"Your existence revolves around serving ME and obeying every of My orders without question. Understood?" He yelled pulling me by my hair. 

Tears welled up in my eyes, a mixture of pain, fear, and frustration. I wanted to break free from his grip, to defy him and reclaim my autonomy. But I knew the consequences would be dire. He isn't my alpha in the first place he just found me.

'Heartless bastard, I just want to smash a hole in your brain,' Lea yelled angrily in my mind.


'Calm down Lea so do I, but we can't defeat him as we are. But certainly we would break free from here one day and come back ready.' 

Seeing me silent for some minutes he dug his fingers in my wounded flesh as more blood oozed from it. 

"Y -yyes, Alpha," I managed to utter, my voice trembling. "I understand." I stammered.

"What? Louder!" He commanded. Making me choke with my saliva as he pulled my hair again and no words came from my mouth. 

"Okay. I get it, you like me to play rough? Huh." He asked, and before I could say anything his hand travelled down my naked bruise back, with blood dripping from it, and rested down on my butt. 

"Now, you like that?" He mocked as his hands grip my a** tightly, making me let out a shivering growl as his claws dug into my flesh. 

"Why are you silent now, huh?" He asked as he spank me. Hard. I let out a whimper.

"Shhh" he warned, as I bit my lip trying to stop my cries.

"Good." He smirks as he bends lower, licking the fresh blood that drips from my jaw. Making me cringe feeling like I'm being burnt with fire. I dislike him. I hate him with all my heart, for hurting me, and sexually abusing me. And wanting to see my patheticness as I beg for him to stop. 

He released his hold on me, his expression shifting to one of satisfaction.

"Good. Remember your place, Omega. The next time you defy Me, your Luna,  or any member of this pack, the punishment will be far worse." He warned, standing up.

He turned and walked away, leaving me standing there, broken and battered. I vowed to seek vengeance whenever I'm free. First I would escape. No matter the risks, no matter the obstacles, I would fight for my freedom.

I can't remain trapped here, being a prisoner in a world ruled by dominance and brutality. I look at the small window in the room with my aching and battered body, yearning for the day I would finally break free from the clutches of this brute Alpha and his merciless reign.

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