
River Crossing


Erik gently covered me with furs to keep me warm from the chill wind that blew across the prairie and managed to come under the tent and swirl around us. Between his body heat and the fur, I was comfortable and slept well. He slipped out from the furs when the dawn light broke and I soon followed, slipping into the garments I wore yesterday. I then followed him out of the tent.

He possessively clasped my hand and strode over to the mess tent. Men bowed and moved out of his way. I could see Leila peeling apart a biscuit and dipping the morsels into honey before poking it into her mouth. She gave me a conspiratory wink as I was dragged by. Erik went to the cook and pointed. We were given two steaming plates.

He led me over to where the Generals were gathered. They made room for the two of us to squat on the ground near them. I started eating my breakfast, listening to what was going on between them.

“We have two rather large rivers to cross today,” General Zerg announced
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